Urban flooding and thermal stress have become key issues for many cities around the world. With the continuing effects of climate change, these two issues will become more acute and will add to the serious problems already experienced in dense urban areas. Therefore, the sectors of public health and disaster management are in the need of tools that can assess the vulnerability to floods and thermal stress. The present paper deals with the combination of innovative tools to address this challenge. Three cities in different climatic regions with various urban contexts have been selected as the pilot areas to demonstrate these tools. These cities are Tainan (Taiwan), Ayutthaya (Thailand) and Groningen (Netherlands). For these cities, flood maps and heat stress maps were developed and used for the comparison analysis. The flood maps produced indicate vulnerable low-lying areas, whereas thermal stress maps indicate open, unshaded areas where high Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) values (thermal comfort) can be expected. The work to date indicates the potential of combining two different kinds of maps to identify and analyse the problem areas. These maps could be further improved and used by urban planners and other stakeholders to assess the resilience and well-being of cities. The work presented shows that the combined analysis of such maps also has a strong potential to be used for the analysis of other challenges in urban dense areas such as air and water pollution, immobility and noise disturbance.
While the optimal mean annual temperature for people and nations is said to be between 13 °C and 18 °C, many people live productive lives in regions or countries that commonly exceed this temperature range. One such country is Australia. We carried out an Australia-wide online survey using a structured questionnaire to investigate what temperature people in Australia prefer, both in terms of the local climate and within their homes. More than half of the 1665 respondents (58%) lived in their preferred climatic zone with 60% of respondents preferring a warm climate. Those living in Australia's cool climate zones least preferred that climate. A large majority (83%) were able to reach a comfortable temperature at home with 85% using air-conditioning for cooling. The preferred temperature setting for the air-conditioning devices was 21.7 °C (SD: 2.6 °C). Higher temperature set-points were associated with age, heat tolerance and location. The frequency of air-conditioning use did not depend on the location but rather on a range of other socio-economic factors including having children in the household, the building type, heat stress and heat tolerance. We discuss the role of heat acclimatisation and impacts of increasing air-conditioning use on energy consumption.
The future will be warmer with more tropical days, heat stress and related impacts for the healthy and liveable city. This is clear from many scientific studies and papers. Yet many local governments in the Netherlands claim to have insufficient understanding of the importance of these impacts in order to make the necessary step to climate adaptation and to take practical actions to manage the risks associated with rising heat levels. They struggle with defining the urgency of heat stress and finding good arguments for the need to adapt urban environments to rising temperatures. In order to provide urban professionals with reasons to adapt their urban environments to heat, we analyzed the potential impacts of urban heat from international policy reports and scientific literature. We summarized the impacts in a mind map. This map visualizes the large number and variety of heat-related risks. They can be subdivided into risks for health, open space, liveability, water and infrastructure networks. We believe that this mind map provides useful insight into the reasons to take heat adaptation actions. It can also be a helpful visual for urban professionals in outlining the reasons to take action for heat adaptation.
In dit project doet Inholland samen met Nova College, MeerWaarde, Plangroep en de gemeente Haarlemmermeer verkennend participatief actieonderzoek naar een nieuwe preventieve werkwijze gericht op het bespreekbaar maken van schulden en stress onder jongeren tussen de 16 en 27 jaar. De schulden-en-stress-aanpak van MeerWaarde is niet eerder bij de doelgroep jongeren toegepast en vraagverlegenheid is niet eerder in dit verband onderzocht. Dit zijn vernieuwende aspecten in deze aanvraag. Vraagverlegenheid kan ertoe bijdragen dat jongeren niet over hun financiële problemen praten met anderen en schulden daardoor steeds hoger oplopen. Preventief werken wordt hierdoor bemoeilijkt. In dit project onderzoeken we op participatieve wijze hoe jongeren hun eigen vraagverlegenheid herkennen en erkennen als het gaat om het ervaren van geldstress, wat zij nodig hebben om hun hulpvraag aan anderen te articuleren en wat er nodig is om deze jongeren tijdig te ondersteunen. Dit levert nieuwe kennis op over de rol van vraagverlegenheid bij financiële problemen en biedt denkrichtingen voor nieuwe instrumenten en methodieken gericht op het bespreekbaar maken van geldstress bij jongeren. Met dit verkennend onderzoek bereiden we opschaling voor naar de regio’s Amsterdam en Rotterdam om die kennis, instrumenten en methodieken in een vervolgproject verder uit te werken.
Lightweight, renewable origin, mild processing, and facile recyclability make thermoplastics the circular construction materials of choice. However, in additive manufacturing (AM), known as 3D printing, mass adoption of thermoplastics lags behind. Upon heating into the melt, particles or filaments fuse first in 2D and successively in 3D, realizing unprecedented geometrical freedom. Despite a scientific understanding of fusion, industrial consortium experts are still confronted with inferior mechanical properties of fused weld interfaces in reality. Exemplary is early mechanical failure in patient-specific and biodegradable medical devices based on Corbion’s poly(lactides), and more technical constructs based on Mitsubishi’s poly(ethylene terephthalate), PET. The origin lies in contradictory low rate of polymer diffusion and entangling, and too high rate of crystallization that is needed to compensate insufficient entangling. Knowing that Zuyd University in close collaboration with Maastricht University has eliminated these contradictory time-scales for PLA-based systems, Corbion and Mitsubishi contacted Zuyd with the question to address and solve their problem. In previous research it has been shown that interfacial co-crystallization of alternating depositioned opposite stereo-specific PLA grades resulted in strengthening of the interface. To promote mass adoption of thermoplastics AM industries, the innovation question has been phrased as follows: What is a technically scalable route to induce toughness in additively manufactured thermoplastics? High mechanical performance translates into an intrinsic brittle to tough transition of stereocomplex reinforced AM products, focusing on fused deposition modeling. Taking the professional request on biocompatibility, engineering performance and scalability into account, the strategies in lowering the yield stress and/or increasing the network strength comprise (i) biobased and biocompatible plasticizers for stereocomplexed poly(lactide), (ii) interfacial co-crystallization of intrinsically tough polyester based materials formulations, and (iii) in-situ interfacial transesterification of recycled PET formulations.