Objectives: Decline in the performance of instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) and mobility may be preceded by symptoms the patient experiences, such as fatigue. The aim of this study is to investigate whether self-reported non-task-specific fatigue is a long-term risk factor for IADL-limitations and/or mobility performance in older adults after 10 years. Methods: A prospective study from two previously conducted cross-sectional studies with 10-year follow-up was conducted among 285 males and 249 females aged 40–79 years at baseline. Fatigue was measured by asking “Did you feel tired within the past 4 weeks?” (males) and “Do you feel tired?” (females). Self-reported IADLs were assessed at baseline and follow-up. Mobility was assessed by the 6-minute walk test. Gender-specific associations between fatigue and IADL-limitations and mobility were estimated by multivariable logistic and linear regression models. Results: A total of 18.6% of males and 28.1% of females were fatigued. After adjustment, the odds ratio for fatigued versus non-fatigued males affected by IADL-limitations was 3.3 (P=0.023). In females, the association was weaker and not statistically significant, with odds ratio being 1.7 (P=0.154). Fatigued males walked 39.1 m shorter distance than those non-fatigued (P=0.048). For fatigued females, the distance was 17.5 m shorter compared to those non-fatigued (P=0.479). Conclusion: Our data suggest that self-reported fatigue may be a long-term risk factor for IADL-limitations and mobility performance in middle-aged and elderly males but possibly not in females.
Huidige inburgeringscursussen zijn meestal gericht op taal en kennis en houden geen rekening met de complexe inspanningen die migranten moeten leveren om een nieuw bestaan op te bouwen in een vreemde samenleving. Sinds 2002 onderzoekt en ontwikkel ik samen met Vantrood Educational Services methoden voor psychosociale volwassenenonderwijs, toegespitst op een dubbele context benadering: de ontvangende samenleving, evenals de volwassen lerende migrant. In dit Position paper beschrijven we de theoretisch gefundeerde principes van deze effectieve pedagogische aanpak en bespreken we veronderstellingen van volwassenenonderwijs en inburgering om hiermee een constructieve bijdrage te leveren aan de doorontwikkeling van inburgeringscursussen.
The current paper is a reflective discussion report that describes the advantages and limitations of online teaching and learning at master’s level healthcare education from the teachers’ point of view. The aim is to open dialogue between nursing educators and healthcare providers on how exclusively online education can ensure the development of healthcare professionals who master the requirements of today´s working life and contribute to innovations in healthcare. This paper addresses specifically how to strengthen master students’ interprofessional communication skills and improve their multicultural competence by developing a well-designed assignment in e-Learning environment. Perceptions and views are based on seven years of experience on online education in cooperation with two educators from different countries.