The probable future of toxicology - probabilistic risk assessment
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The application of natural language processing for the extraction of mechanistic information in toxicology
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In vitro–in silico-based prediction of inter-individual and inter-ethnic variations in the dose-dependent cardiotoxicity of R- and S-methadone in humans
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Natural language processing in toxicology: Delineating adverse outcome pathways and guiding the application of new approach methodologies
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Towards a reporting guideline for developmental and reproductive toxicology testing in C. elegans and other nematodes
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Integrating in vitro data and physiologically based kinetic modeling-facilitated reverse dosimetry to predict human cardiotoxicity of methadone
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Application of Caenorhabditis elegans (nematode) and Danio rerio embryo (zebrafish) as model systems to screen for developmental and reproductive toxicity of Piperazine compounds
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Een fles olijfolie als plaats delict
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State of the art on alternative methods to animal testing from an industrial point of view: ready for regulation?