Maintaining or increasing physical activity (PA) may prevent loss of muscle mass and strength after completion of head and neck cancer (HNC) treatment. However, the exercise level of HNC patients may not meet PA guidelines. We aimed to explore HNC survivors' views on PA, their report of PA, and to compare these with objectively measured PA. Combined qualitative and quantitative data of HNC survivors were explored post-treatment. Data from semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, and objective measurements of PA were collected, analyzed, and integrated. This resulted in the identification of five themes related to prioritizing, day-to-day life, intention, positive feelings, and social support, respectively, in nine HNC survivors (male: n = 5; age: 52-67 years). Objectively measured PA levels were sedentary to low. The lack of intention to increase PA may be related to HNC survivors' perception that their current activity level is sufficient, despite low levels of measured PA. While some participants feel they need no help with PA, others are insecure about possible harms. Healthcare professionals may be able to help improve PA in HNC survivors with a tailored approach that reduces fear of harm and helps to incorporate higher intensity PA in daily activities.
Background: To assess the prevalence of chronic lymphedema and trismus in patients > 6 months after head and neck cancer (HNC) treatment, and to explore how the severity of these conditions correlates with body image and quality of life. Methods: The cross-sectional sample included 59 patients, treated for HNC between six months to three years ago. Physical measurements were performed to assess the presence of external lymphedema and trismus (<36 mm). Furthermore, participants completed two questionnaires regarding body image (BIS) and quality of life (UW-QoL V4). Results: Lymphedema prevalence was 94.1% (95% CI 0.86–0.98), with a median severity score of 9 (range 0–24). Trismus prevalence in this sample was 1.2%. The median BIS score was 2, indicating a positive body image. The UW-QoL score showed a good QOL with a median of 100. Only the domain of saliva and overall related health had a lower median of 70 and 60, respectively. There was no correlation between lymphedema and body image (r = 0.08, p = 0.544). Patients with higher lymphedema scores reported poorer speech with a moderate correlation (r = −0.39, p = 0.003). Conclusion: Lymphedema is a highly prevalent, but moderately severe late side-effect of HNC with a limited impact on quality of life domains except for speech, in our cohort.
In de loop van het leven wordt muziek voor de meeste mensen een drager van herinneringen en emoties. In de jeugd en vroege volwassenheid ontwikkelen we onze persoonlijke muzieksmaak. De muziek uit die tijd blijft ons het beste bij. Voor mensen met dementie, meestal 80 plussers, is dat ruim zestig jaar geleden. Daarom maakten de lectoraten Psychogeriatrie en Informatie, Technologie en Samenleving, in samenwerking met muziektherapeut Machgiel Bakker, een online muziekstation dat muziek uit die periode draait: Radio Remember. Een station om naar te luisteren, maar ook om in te zetten als psychosociale interventie om de kwaliteit van leven van mensen met dementie te verbeteren. In dit artikel wordt verslag gedaan van de eerste ervaringen en worden de volgende stappen van het project beschreven.