Teaching history requires clear, detailed and subject specific language. History teachers teaching in a second language are confronted with students' second language limitations, which likely have an aggravating impact on their application of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). We analysed and compared 12 Dutch spoken and 12 English spoken paired history lessons in junior grades 7 and 9. Contrary to our expectation, we found a strong similarity of the teachers’ PCK application in both grades 7 and 9, irrespective of the used language. The PCK application in both grades and languages was of average quality, while the PCK used in grade 9 was more advanced.
In this study, we aimed to identify how the learning activities elicited in a lesson study project contributed to self-perceived change in supervisors’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Lesson study is a method which combines both professional and educational development. During a lesson study project, teachers collaborate in a team and develop, teach, evaluate, and redesign a research lesson. During the 4-month lesson study project described here, four supervisors designed a protocol for research supervision meetings aimed at enhancing undergraduate students’ learning. During the project, they experimented with open questioning and giving positive feedback instead of giving instruction and explanations. A mixed-methods design was used in this study. Data on the supervisors’ learning activities and PCK were gathered using learner reports, video-recordings of meetings, and exit interviews. The analyses of these data showed that the lesson study project contributed to the development of the supervisors’ PCK on instructional strategies and student understanding. The learning activity that contributed most to these changes was reflecting on their own practice and that of their students.
Some pre-service teaching activities can contribute much to the learning of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and subsequent teaching as these activities are generating PCK within the pre-service teacher's own classroom. Three examples are described: preparing exhibitions of science experiments, assessing preconceptions, and teaching using embedded formative assessment in which assessment leads teaching and almost inevitably results in the development of PCK. Evidence for the effectiveness of the methods is based on the author's experience in teacher education programmes in different countries, but will need to be confirmed by research
Within the framework of the “Greening Games” project, we will develop, test and distribute flagship didactic materials addressing the interdisciplinary nature of green digital gaming. These will be tested in selected higher education programs and finally shared as open access content for the broader academic and teaching community. It is our core strategic responsibility to educate students about the relations between digital games and environment. We believe that the more aware students of today will become greener game designers, programmers, and academic leaders of tomorrow. At the centre of our partnership’s didactic philosophy are human responsibility, ethical game design and sustainable gaming culture. Societal IssueVideo games serve as technological marvels and cultural reflections. McKenzie Wark suggests they are integral to a shared culture, fostering critical thinking. Games act as arenas for cultural values and environmental awareness. Climate-aware video games, often referred to as 'green games' or 'eco-games,' raise ecological consciousness and reconnect players with nature. For example, Riders Republic, which replicates real-world terrain using satellite imagery, inspires eco-awareness. However, the environmental footprint of video games, reliant on digital electronics and resource-intensive consoles, poses challenges. Developers, manufacturers, and gaming giants must address these impacts. Benjamin Abraham emphasizes sustainable game development as a holistic solution beyond incorporating green content.Benefit to societyBy developing teaching materials on green gaming for higher education, we create the following impact. We will…- increase the awareness of this subject among Bachelor’s and Master’s students.- enhance students’ knowledge of green gaming and their ability to integrate existing solutions into their game projects.- stimulate more research interest among research staff as well as students.- facilitate the uptake of pedagogical resources on green gaming by lecturers and professors.- create a European research community around the topic.- raise the visibility of green game studies among the game industry and wider public.
In Nederland wordt onderwijs in de M&M- en de zaakvakken op verschillende manieren vormgegeven. Voor deze invulling zijn er twee uitgangspunten: de landelijke doelen en de doelen en overtuigingen van de docenten of school. De landelijke doelen voor het PO en de onderbouw van het VO zijn per leergebied geformuleerd in de Kerndoelen. Voor de bovenbouw van het VO zijn er examenprogramma’s per schoolvak. Het tweede uitgangspunt zijn de doelen en overtuigingen van de docenten, of de school. Deze maken, net als kennis van het leren van leerlingen, didactische strategieën, toetsing en curriculum deel uit van hun Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). In ons onderzoek maken we veel gebruik van dit concept.Doel De onderzoeksgroep wil: Inzicht krijgen in de verschillende manieren waarop vakoverstijgende curricula voor de M&M- en zaakvakken zijn vormgegeven. Inzicht krijgen in hoe docenten (gezamenlijk) een vakoverstijgend curriculum ontwerpen. Inzicht krijgen in hoe docenten omgaan met frictie in de klas, als onderdeel van burgerschap als vakoverstijgend onderdeel van het curriculum. Inzicht krijgen in de ontwikkeling van de PCK van docenten en van studenten aan de lerarenopleiding, die deze (vakoverstijgende) curricula ontwikkelen en uitvoeren. Een visie ontwikkelen op vakoverstijgend werken binnen de M&M- en zaakvakken. Inzicht krijgen in hoe docenten vanuit het curriculum bijdragen aan inclusief onderwijs en het verkleinen van kansenongelijkheid in het onderwijs. Resultaten Dit onderzoek levert handreikingen op met beschrijvingen van (vakoverstijgende) curricula van verschillende scholen waar M&M- en zaakvakken worden vormgegeven. In de handreikingen staan ontwerp- en succescriteria waarmee docenten aan de slag kunnen gaan om (vakoverstijgend) onderwijs te ontwerpen en uit te voeren. Het bevat praktische handvatten aan de hand van voorbeelden van goed bruikbaar (les)materiaal. Looptijd 01 september 2021 - 09 januari 2025 Aanpak Het onderzoek wordt gezamenlijk uitgevoerd in verschillende deelprojecten op scholen en lerarenopleidingen. De deelprojecten leiden tot gedeelde inzichten die worden gebundeld.