In order to receive a licence to produce, poultry farmers have to take into account societal demands, among others: animal welfare, healthy working conditions for the workers and landscape quality. A way to reach a combination of these goals is to create a design for the poultry house and outdoor run. We propose a methodology based on five steps, which enables us to create a design thattakes into consideration societal demands and that can be tested on its effects. These five steps are: 1. Giving a theoretical background on the societal demands (hen ethology, farm management and landscape quality) and based on this; 2. Giving a set of design criteria. 3. Describing the current state of the farm, in order to know its current qualities, 4. Making a design of the farm using the sets of criteria as guiding principle. 5. Reflecting on the design, to show whether the different criteria can be combined and where compromises are needed. A case study on an organic farm in the centre of the Netherlands showed that hen welfare, farm management and landscape quality can be improved together, although some measures do not add to all design criteria. Especially the effect on landscape quality and farm management is variable: the latter is also depending on the personal motivation of the farmer.
Due to climate change the frequency of extreme precipitation increases. To reduce the risk of damage by flooding, municipalities will need to retrofit urban areas in a climate-resilient way. To justify this investment, they need insight in possibilities and costs of climate-resilient urban street designs. This chapter focused on how to retrofit characteristic (Dutch) typologies of urban residential areas. For ten cases alternative street layouts were designed with a determination of the life cycle costs and benefits. All designs are resilient to extreme rain events. The results show that most flat urban typologies can easily be retrofitted in a climate-resilient way without additional costs compared to the standard way of retrofitting. Climate proofing sloping areas are highly dependent on the situation downstream. When there is no space downstream to divert the water into waterways or parks, costs to provide storage easily rise above traditional levels for retrofitting. In addition to reducing flood risk, for each case one variant includes resilience to extreme heat events making use of green. The life cycle costs and benefits of the green variants showed that especially green designs in high-density urban areas result in a better value for money.
How do (temporary) societies actually arise, bottom-up (co-creation), or top-down (organized by an elite)? In this article, both the book The Dawn of Everything (Graeber and Wengrow, 2021) and the Netflix documentary Trainwreck: Woodstock '99 are presented to answer this queston: both forms of emerging/organizing order (co-creation), and top-down are possible. However, it is argued that in current society systems (that rule and regulate) are mainly viewed and developed top-down and that we lost sight on the possibilities of bottom-up (co-creation) aspects of (regional) forms of society, with all the (psychological) consequences that entails. .