
Quickscan QTI addendum #1 - Usability study of QTI for De Digitale Universiteit


De Digitale Universiteit (DU) performed a quickscan to determine the usability of the IMS Question and TestInteroperability (QTI) specification as a format to store questions and tests developed for and by the consortium.
The original report is available in Dutch from the website of De Digitale Universiteit and an unofficial English translation of that report can be downloaded.
In October 2003, Canvas Learning Ltd., developers of the Canvas Canvas Learning Author and Canvas Learning Player responded to the Quickscan by sending their Canvas Flash player which could also render the test questions developed for the Quickscan. The Canvas Learning Player hadn't been tested as part of the original Quickscan because none of the partners within De Digitale Universiteit was using the application at that time.
This addendum contains a short overview of the results of the tests for the Flash player as it was provided by Canvas Learning Ltd. All tests have been conducted by the author of the quickscan using the original test set.
The set and the player used can be downloaded as a SCORM compliant package.



Document (PDF)

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