Background: Our transition to an “information society” means that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become integral to our lives. ICT has also become an essential aspect of medical institutions and healthcare settings. Healthcare professionals, especially nurses are required to use ICT in their daily work. In Lebanon, however, due to political factors, many universities have not introduced technology or any form of ICT in their curricula. Institutions of higher education do use technology in various ways, however, successful incorporation of ICT in education requires acceptance by instructors who are expected to use ICT in teaching practices. Although international findings reveal that ICT should be used in nursing education, some faculty members experience difficulty integrating it. Method: A mixed methodological research approach was used to investigate the attitudes of nursing teaching staff toward the use of ICT in nursing education. Results: Our findings revealed three categories of faculty with differing attitudes to the use of ICT in teaching and learning: pioneers, faculty members who have developed positive attitudes toward ICT usage; followers, faculty members with neutral attitudes; and resisters, faculty members with negative attitudes. Conclusions: Identification of the nursing faculty members’ attitude toward ICT and the challenges faced by them contributes to the integration of ICT into nursing curricula and further development of educational practices.
This is the introduction to the special issue of World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development (WREMSD) dedicated to workplace innovation and social innovation related to work and organisation. As technological and business model innovations alone are not sufficient to enhance opportunities for businesses and employment, awareness is rising that better use should be made of human talents and new ways of organising and managing. In order to make working environments more receptive for innovation, and to enable people in organisations to take up an entrepreneurial role as intrapreneurs, a shift towards workplace innovation can be observed. Workplace innovation is complementary to technological and business model innovation, and a necessary ingredient for successful renewal, in that it addresses a type of management that seeks collaboration with employees through dialogue and employee engagement.
Hbo-studenten doen tijdens hun opleiding werkervaring op, bijvoorbeeld door stage te lopen. Wij onderzoeken op welke manier technologie het leerproces van studenten op de werkplek kan ondersteunen. We ontwikkelen ontwerpprincipes en de daarop gebaseerde Stage-App.Doel Studenten leren op de werkplek heel anders dan op de hogeschool. Het leren gebeurt vaak onbewust en impliciet. De Stage-App helpt studenten bewuster te worden van dit leerproces en hier actiever mee bezig te zijn, om uiteindelijk meer uit hun stage te halen. Resultaten Dit onderzoek loopt. We hebben de resultaten tot nu toe gedeeld via posters, presentaties en artikelen. Gepubliceerde artikelen Exploring Design Principles for Technology-Enhanced Workplace Learning Design Propositions for Technology-Enhanced Workplace Learning Design & Implementation of Technology-Enhanced Workplace Learning Learning Analytics voor Stages en Werkplekleren Workplace Learning Analytics in Higher Engineering Education Automated Feedback for Workplace Learning in Higher Education De open-source Stage-App is beschikbaar via Looptijd 01 november 2015 - 31 december 2020 Aanpak In het eerste deel van onderzoek hebben we uitgezocht wat er nodig is om een app voor het leerproces te ontwerpen. Vervolgens hebben we de Stage-App ontwikkeld. Daarin kunnen studenten registreren wat ze hebben geleerd en dit koppelen aan de leerdoelen die ze vanuit hun opleiding meekrijgen. We ontwikkelen de app zoveel mogelijk vanuit het perspectief van de student. Om de app aan te laten sluiten op de wensen en eisen van studenten houden we interviews, enquêtes, gebruikerstesten en co-design-sessies. Tegelijkertijd baseren we de functionaliteiten op literatuuronderzoek over werkplekleren en 'technology enhanced learning', om te zorgen dat de app het leerproces zo goed mogelijk ondersteunt.