In the autumn of 2009, a group of exchange students in the University of Applied Sciences of Utrecht got a task to make a research project on the current situation of Social Media. The group consisted of 5 people with really different backgrounds and opinions. Two Finnish, one Austrian, one Belgian and one Taiwanese put their heads together to explore the enormous world of Social Media. In this paper, Social Media stands for Online Social Media in other words: websites that allow people to communicate with each other, share opinions and ideas, public or semi-public profiles for the users and possibility to view those profiles. Most known examples of Social Media at this moment (2010) would be Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Flickr, flixter, LinkedIN, Tagged, Twitter and Plurk. There are hundreds and hundreds more of Social Media websites and each of them has its own purpose and idea. Some of them concentrate on one topic or subject and some websites are more expanded. Most of the Social Media websites give the opportunity to their users to upload pictures, videos and other data but the most important thing is that social media allow people to communicate ‘one-to-many and many-to-one’ and not as the old fashion media ‘one-way communication’ only.
The online presence of organizations is long gone from being just a web page. Social media have enabled easy and inexpensive interaction between millions of individuals and communities. This has not gone unnoticed by cultural heritage institutes. The question is what all these social media activities bring. Even if an institute knows what it tries to achieve online, the metrics often consist of confusing accumulation of statistics, across several systems and reveal little about online user behaviour, engagement and satisfaction. In the research project Museum Compass a prototype of a social media monitor is developed, which will contain data of current and historic online activities on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Foursquare and Flickr of all registered Dutch museums. The first version of this monitor has been developed, and we believe that this is a good moment to discuss – mostly in a practical sense – our general approach and preliminary results.
Voor MKB-winkeliers is het de afgelopen jaren steeds lastiger geworden om goed personeel te vinden. De kwaliteit van de dienstverlening in de winkel komt hierdoor onder druk te staan wat ten koste gaat van klanttevredenheid en omzetten. Om het tij te keren willen MKB-winkeliers meer kennis opdoen over de mogelijkheden die sociale robots hen bieden om klanten te bedienen. Uit de vraagarticulatie is gebleken dat de MKB-winkeliers het meeste verwachten van de mogelijkheden om met sociale robots klanten te ontvangen, hen de weg te wijzen, promoties te tonen, productinformatie te verstrekken, en advies te geven. In dit project onderzoeken wij de toegevoegde waarde van sociale robots die deze dienstverlenende taken uitvoeren in tien winkels in Nederland. De centrale onderzoeksvraag van dit project luidt: “Hoe en in welke mate leidt de inzet van sociale robots voor diverse dienstverlenende taken in de winkel (ontvangen van klanten, wijzen van de weg, promoten van aanbiedingen, verstrekken van productinformatie, het geven van advies) tot tevredenheid van klant en personeel, en zorgt het voor toegevoegde waarde voor de winkelier?” Om deze vraag te kunnen beantwoorden zijn vijf deelvragen geformuleerd, die aan de hand van drie samenhangende werkpakketten samen met consortiumpartners via praktijkgericht onderzoek zullen worden beantwoord. De kern van het consortium bestaat uit de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, TMO Fashion Business School, tien winkeliers, en een robotprovider. De nieuwe kennis die met dit project wordt gegenereerd over de mogelijkheden van sociale robots voor de dienstverlening in winkels (en daarmee hun voortbestaan), is van grote waarde voor MKB-winkeliers in heel Nederland. De resultaten van het onderzoek worden daarom in een vierde werkpakket breed gedeeld via de brancheorganisaties INretail, Het Vakcentrum en Techniek Nederland, een websitepagina op Retail Insiders, een YouTube kanaal, een boekje, en blogartikelen voor winkeliers op toonaangevende online platforms.
The PhD research by Joris Weijdom studies the impact of collective embodied design techniques in collaborative mixed-reality environments (CMRE) in art- and engineering design practice and education. He aims to stimulate invention and innovation from an early stage of the collective design process.Joris combines theory and practice from the performing arts, human-computer interaction, and engineering to develop CMRE configurations, strategies for its creative implementation, and an embodied immersive learning pedagogy for students and professionals.This lecture was given at the Transmedia Arts seminar of the Mahindra Humanities Center of Harvard University. In this lecture, Joris Weijdom discusses critical concepts, such as embodiment, presence, and immersion, that concern mixed-reality design in the performing arts. He introduces examples from his practice and interdisciplinary projects of other artists.About the researchMultiple research areas now support the idea that embodiment is an underpinning of cognition, suggesting new discovery and learning approaches through full-body engagement with the virtual environment. Furthermore, improvisation and immediate reflection on the experience itself, common creative strategies in artist training and practice, are central when inventing something new. In this research, a new embodied design method, entitled Performative prototyping, has been developed to enable interdisciplinary collective design processes in CMRE’s and offers a vocabulary of multiple perspectives to reflect on its outcomes.Studies also find that engineering education values creativity in design processes, but often disregards the potential of full-body improvisation in generating and refining ideas. Conversely, artists lack the technical know-how to utilize mixed-reality technologies in their design process. This know-how from multiple disciplines is thus combined and explored in this research, connecting concepts and discourse from human-computer interaction and media- and performance studies.This research is a collaboration of the University of Twente, Utrecht University, and HKU University of the Arts Utrecht. This research is partly financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).Mixed-reality experiences merge real and virtual environments in which physical and digital spaces, objects, and actors co-exist and interact in real-time. Collaborative Mix-Reality Environments, or CMRE's, enable creative design- and learning processes through full-body interaction with spatial manifestations of mediated ideas and concepts, as live-puppeteered or automated real-time computer-generated content. It employs large-scale projection mapping techniques, motion-capture, augmented- and virtual reality technologies, and networked real-time 3D environments in various inter-connected configurations.This keynote was given at the IETM Plenary meeting in Amsterdam for more than 500 theatre and performing arts professionals. It addresses the following questions in a roller coaster ride of thought-provoking ideas and examples from the world of technology, media, and theatre:What do current developments like Mixed Reality, Transmedia, and The Internet of Things mean for telling stories and creating theatrical experiences? How do we design performances on multiple "stages" and relate to our audiences when they become co-creators? / LinkedIn profileThis research is part of the professorship Performative Processes