The (political) power of memes has moved beyond virtual images. The distinction between the virtual and ‘real life’ no longer applies, or perhaps was never really there. Their effects (or should we say affects?) are moving through digital infrastructures, policy, regulations and bodies. If memes are used as a tool by the alt-right to mobilize people to storm the Capitol and play a substantial role in the Ukrainian war, can they also be used by the left to spark a revolution, as memetic warfare is more immediate and accessible than real-life demonstrations? What kind of labor would that require? What kind of tools and principles would we need? And what if memetic logics of spreading information were applied to spread progressive ideas for a possible future?
Binnen de kamers van retorica namen de refereinen een aparte plaats in. Goede refereinen waren gebonden aan strikte regels en werden op de juiste manier voorgedragen op festivals waar de beste refereinen werden bekroond met een prijs. In dit artikel worden de drie prijswinnenende refereinen van het Rotterdamse rhetorijcfeest van 1561 onder de loep genomen.