Frequently asked questions

How does Publinova work?
How does the information end up on Publinova?
How does my profile get on Publinova?
As a Researcher: How can I complete/edit my profile?
Why do I see projects, products and people listed while the college does not participate in Publinova?
Not all projects and products are on it, how is that possible?
I am a lecturer and would like to have my lectureship/lecturer platform/consortium on Publinova.
What is party unknown?
I am a researcher and mistakenly clicked "this is me too" but I am not.
How can I have more than one profile on Publinova?
What does Publinova cost?
How do I know if my university already participates?
I would like my college to participate. What can I do?
How can I log in?
Something is not working/I have a question, where can I go?
What information can be shared on the platform?
There is information on this site about or from me, which I don't want. What can I do?
What about copyright?
Can my research be considered for an editorial?
I want to be notified of new editorial articles can I do that?