Revolutionary advances in technology have been seen in many industries, with the IIoT being a prime example. The IIoT creates a network of interconnected devices, allowing smooth communication and interoperability in industrial settings. This not only boosts efficiency, productivity, and safety but also provides transformative solutions for various sectors. This research looks into open-source IIoT and edge platforms that are applicable to a range of applications with the aim of finding and developing high-potential solutions. It highlights the effect of open-source IIoT and edge computing platforms on traditional IIoT applications, showing how these platforms make development and deployment processes easier. Popular open-source IIoT platforms include DeviceHive and Thingsboard, while EdgeX Foundry is a key platform for edge computing, allowing IIoT applications to be deployed closer to data sources, thus reducing latency and conserving bandwidth. This study seeks to identify potential future domains for the implementation of IIoT solutions using these open-source platforms. Additionally, each sector is evaluated based on various criteria, such as development requirement analyses, market demand projections, the examination of leading companies and emerging startups in each domain, and the application of the International Patent Classification (IPC) scheme for in-depth sector analysis.
In today’s city environments, extreme weather conditions are a fact oflife. Amsterdam, Mumbai, Nairobi or Sydney… climate change issuesneed to be tackled all around the world.In the last couple of decades, Amsterdam has dealt with largeramounts of rainwater, severe heat stress and a decreased biodiversity.In order to strengthen urban resilience to climate change, blue-green(BG) roofs are increasingly being introduced. BG roofs placean additional water layer underneath the green layer. The idea is thatthese roofs reduce runoff after rainfall by retaining precipitation andmitigate heat stress, caused by increased evapotranspiration (the sumof evaporation from the land surface and transpiration from plants)and a higher albedo effect (the ability of surfaces to reflect sunlight).