Marina Brinkman - Staneva

Marina Brinkman - Staneva

Educational Innovation Catalyst and Researcher, Education, Research & Information Management


Marina Brinkman–Staneva joined the Academy of Hotel and Facility Management in 2008 after working in different managerial positions within hospitality and education. Her work within the academy focused on quality in education in general, experimenting with blended educational design and facilitating bachelor thesis writing process. Currently, she is working as educational innovation catalyst and researcher in a guild, facilitating innovation and education strategy on institutional level.  

She is also a PhD candidate in Organization Studies at Tilburg University. In her research she investigates the extent to which the widely used performance management and subsequent institutionalization in higher education and the hotel industry has had the expected effects on innovative performance. Questions raised are whether performance management worked out differently in distinct market segments, in which types of organizations innovation took place despite the adoption of performance management and how hospitality curricula over time have changed in relation to performance feedback. She adopts a longitudinal approach embedded in organizational process studies, organizational learning and theories of time.

She holds a masters degree in Sociology, profile Labour, Management and Organization (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and a bachelor's degree in Hotel Management (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Maastricht).

Courses taught: Research Methods & Techniques Bachelor Thesis.







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