Michelle Kovacs

Michelle Kovacs


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Michelle Kovacs (1974), Brazilian, holds a Doctorate in Business Administration, Marketing/Consumer behavior area, from the Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE / PROPAD, PhD Sandwich (internship) from City University (Cass Business School) in London, England (UK), with Vincent-Wayne Mitchell as international supervisor. Doctorate with distinction award. Post-Doctorate by CAPES/NUFFIC in Consumer Behavior/Marketing area. Master in Business Administration and MBA in Marketing from UFPE, Brazil. Master with distinction award.

Currently lecturer/researcher at BUas in ADE, Academy of Digital Entertainment, IMEM course (Media Management field) and in the MMI, Master of Media and Innovation (regular and executive track). Used to be a Professor (Undergraduate and Graduate) in Brazil for more than 16 years where was also a permanent Professor in the Master and Doctoral course at PROPAD – Graduate Program in Management.

Has a special interest in the Consumer Behavior area, particularly concerning perceived risks and risk reduction strategies. Also interest in the Transformative Consumer Behavior field of study. Already participated in many doctoral and master’s defenses, participated in Scientific Committees (Scientific Journals/conferences), among others. Have articles published in international Scientific Journals and Conferences such as the International Journal of Management (UK), Cogent Business & Management, Gestão.org, among others.




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