Wesley Put - van den Beemt

Wesley Put - van den Beemt


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In recent years Wesley has build up her expertise in the field of online marketing and market research. She started her career working for GfK, an international market research agency specialised in consumer behaviour research. This gave her the opportunity to build up expertise in the field of consumer insights research and advice for mainly retail related companies. It's her great pleasure to be able to share this expertise on a daily basis with BUas students and industry partners. Her passion nowadays lies in combining education and research. As a Bachelor track Coordinator, Lecturer International Marketing Research and Researcher at BUas in Breda she's able to share her knowledge in online marketing and market research with international bachelor and master students studying International Tourism Management. Additional to this she has expertise focused on customer engagement management, conversion optimization, social media strategies, marketing communications.

Next to this she's certified trainer in MBTI step 1. It is a personal interest to train individuals and groups in social skills, teambuilding and personal development.




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