
Analysing capacity challenges in the Multi-Airport System of Mexico City


The relentless growth in Mexico City’s aviation traffic has inevitably strained capacity development of its airport, raising the
dilemma between the possible solutions. In the present study, Mexico’s Multi-Airport System is subjected to analysis by means
of multi-model simulation, focusing on the capacity-demand problem of the system. The methodology combines phases of
modelling, data collection, simulation, experimental design, and analysis. Drawing a distinction from previous works involving
two-airport systems. It also explores the challenges raised by the Covid-19 pandemic in Mexico City airport operations, with a
discrete-event simulation model of a multi-airport system composed by three airports (MEX, TLC, and the new airport NLU).
The study is including the latest data of flights, infrastructures, and layout collected in 2021. Therefore, the paper aims to
answer to the question of whether the system will be able to cope with the expected demand in a short-, medium-, and longterm
by simulating three future scenarios based on aviation forecasts. The study reveals potential limitations of the system as
time evolves and the feasibility of a joint operation to absorb the demand in such a big region like Mexico City.

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