
Beyond victimization: The construction of relational agency with trafficking survivors.


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This research adopts a social constructionist perspective and utilizes qualitative inquiry
with a generative approach (McNamee, Gergen, Camargo-Borges, Rasera, 2020). The focus
lies on collaborative efforts between the researcher and trafficking survivors, aiming to
mutually shape and understand the experiences of trafficking, while fostering relational
agency. The aim is to co-construct a relational space in which counter-narratives on
victimization can be generated. Ten interviews were carried out with women survivors of
trafficking at the Anti-Trafficking System of the N.A.Ve Project (Veneto Region AntiTrafficking Network). These women were from different nationalities and experiences of
exploitation. We referred to the principles of Appreciative Inquiry, and formulated an
episodic interview (Flick, 2023) composed by circular and reflexive questions, as well as
generative questions inspired by the items of the Post Traumatic Growth Inventory
(Romaioli, 2022). The critical reflexivity of the researcher and the research team was
enhanced through an autoethnography and reflection work. A reflexive thematic analysis
(Braun & Clarke, 2022) was performed on the gathered textual material, generating five
themes: resources/strengths, relationships, future, helpful aspects, momentary feelings.
This inquiry illustrates the potentials offered by a methodology inspired by a social
constructionist perspective with a generative approach.

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