
Core competencies for safeguarding young people in care


Since October 2015, four European universities of applied sciences and three youth care organisations in Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands and Scotland, have been working as partners to develop education and training for (future) professionals. The goal of this partnership is to help (future) professionals: 1. To support healthy sexual development of young people in care; 2. To interact with young people, their (foster) parents, colleagues, and other professionals, concerning the topics of sexual behaviour, intimacy, and inter-personal relationships, in order to prevent sexual abuse of young people in care. This report shows the steps taken to develop a set of core competencies that form the basis of the education and training for (future) professionals.

The study described in this report resulted in a list of 61 competency items (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that (future) professionals need in order to support healthy sexual development of young people in care. The most relevant items were grouped into the following clusters: 1. Discussing sexuality, 2. Supporting the needs of young people concerning sexuality, 3. Act professionally in relation to the topic of sexuality, 4. Dealing with different norms, values and cultures with regard to sexuality, 5. Recognizing and responding to offensive sexual behaviour, including sexual abuse.

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