
Digital Twins of the ocean : 2D/3D/4D microparticle flow visualisations.


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Within the context of the Iliad project, the authors present early design mock-ups and resulting technical challenges for a 2D/3D/4D geo-data visualisation application focused on microparticle flows. The Iliad – Digital Twins of the Ocean project (EU Horizon 2020) aims to develop a ‘system of systems’ for creating cutting-edge digital twins of specific sea and ocean areas for diverse purposes related to their sustainable use and protection. One of the Iliad pilots addresses the topic of water quality monitoring by creating an application offering dynamic 2D and 3D visualisations of specifically identified microparticles, initially observed by buoys/sensors deployed at specific locations and whose subsequent flows are modelled by separate software. The main upcoming technical challenges concern the data-driven approach, where the application’s input data is completely obtained through external API-based services offering (near) real-time observed data from buoys/sensors and simulated data emanating from particle transport models

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