
Making IBSE durable through pre-service teacher education


How can we make Inquiry-Based Science and Mathematics Education (IBSME) durable? …. by incorporating it in the pre-service programs for elementary teachers! With pre-service students the training can be much more intensive than with inservice teachers. To have an impact in the classroom the minimum contact time in IBSME in-service and coaching has to be more than 90 hours (Supovitz & Turner, 2000). That number is hard to achieve in in-service but it is quite possible in preservice teacher education. From 9 – 11 January 2013 the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) hosted a field-visit sponsored by the EU Fibonacci project with a focus on pre-service teacher education. HvA developed two programs to strengthen IBSME in pre-service. One is an elective minor (30 ECTS) Science and Technology Education in the regularelementary teacher education program. The other is a pre-service program for academically talented students jointly developed by the University of Amsterdam and the Hogeschool of Amsterdam with inquiry as a major emphasis. The two programs are described in chapters 1 & 3 in this booklet. If you are still wondering what IBSE is, then read chapter 2 of Ana Blagotinsek of the University of Slovenia. She describes a neat example of an IBSE process with students in elementary teacher education. How do you start with a real worldquestion and initially little knowledge, and how do you investigate the question and eventually generate the knowledge needed to answer it? During the field-visit each participant presented one particularly successful approach in teacher training, for example, training teachers by ‘model teaching’ activities with these teachers’ own pupils. This method was used in different ways by 4 participants in different countries. They describe this in chapters 4 – 7. In chapter 8 colleague Frans Van Mulken describes the development of a lessonseries on graphs, rate of change, and speed using inquiry strategies inspired by the late mathematician and mathematics educator Hans Freudenthal. He also describes how pre-service students could be trained to teach the lesson series as inquiry. Simultaneously with this booklet, a Dutch booklet is published with overlapping contents but focused more on the Dutch context.

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