
The Cleantech concept in a regional setting

Description speech. In 2015 and 2016, Saxion University of Applied Sciences organized the 2nd and 3rd edition of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference (RIEC).In our region, "De Stedendriehoek" (Cities in the Triangle – Apeldoorn – Deventer - Zutphen) there is a close cooperation between Cleantech organizations: industry, education institutes and local governments in the areas of Natural Resources, Energy Transition, Environment, Biobased Production and Agrofood. Started over 2 years ago it became a close collaboration between 12 educational institutes, 240 students, 115 companies and the local governments in this relative small triangle. "De Stedendriehoek" is an area full of innovation and also bottom-up initiatives from organizations and regional citizens who care about sustainability and take their responsibility. One of these local initiatives is the Deventer Energy Cooperative, driven by local citizens focusing on generating clean energy for their members and of course they participate and drive Cleantech projects as well.

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