
Working conference 'Globalizing Higher Education: The Hague in 2025'

23 January 2013


Foreword : Education is the key to widen people’s opportunities in our globalizing
world. The Hague, city of Justice and Peace, is rapidly improving its position
in higher education. New universities and academies have established
themselves in recent years. They broaden the offer of courses, degrees and
research opportunities. The Municipal Government and The Hague University
of Applied Sciences invited all interested international organizations,
corporations, researchers and educational institutes to reflect on the best
pattern of international higher education that should be organized in the
future. Education should service the needs of both the Dutch and foreign
population groups in The Hague and the region around it. With hundreds of
large and small international institutions, tens of thousands of employees
from abroad, as well as a growing interest of The Hague’s Dutch citizens, it
is important to design the best possible facilities for higher education. This
report summarizes the views and proposals expressed during the working
conference. The reader may find many useful ideas for further development.

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