This article offers the first substantial survey of the Middle Dutch satire Dit es de Frenesie since the work of C.P. Serrure in the mid nineteenth century. It contests much of the conventional wisdom surrounding De Frenesie, challenging the poem's usual classification as an early boerde or fabliau. Instead it is argued that the text is an experimental work, which blends together elements of several satiric traditions without committing itself to any one. The implications of this maneuver and others within the text are considered, revealing the poem's clear sympathy with the newly educated and articulate laity. De Frenesie itself is appended in both the original Middle Dutch and an English verse translation.
This study introduces a novel methodology for the post-analysis of operational predictability by leveraging timestamps collected through the Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) framework. Focusing on the start-up and departure phases, the analysis highlights the importance of accurately planning and managing key timestamps, such as the Target Off-Block Time (TOBT) and Target Start-Up Approval Time (TSAT), which are critical for operational efficiency. Using one week of sample data from Schiphol Airport, this research demonstrates the potential benefits of the proposed framework in improving predictability during the start-up phase, particularly by identifying and analyzing outliers and anomalies. The start-up phase, a critical component of the outbound process, was broken down into subphases to allow for a more detailed assessment. The findings suggest that while 96% of flights maintain TOBT accuracy within ±20 minutes, 68% of flights miss their TOBT by 2 to 17.5 minutes, with 364 notable outliers. These deviations highlight areas for further investigation, with future work aiming to explore the impact of influencing factors such as weather, resource availability, and support tools. The proposed framework serves as a foundation for improving operational predictability and efficiency at airports.