Background: Acquiring the theoretical and practical knowhow of conducting patient and public involvement (PPI) in research is not part of the traditional curriculum of researchers. Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and Huis voor de Zorg, a regional umbrella patient organization, therefore started a 1.5-year coaching programme. Objective: To establish a community of practice by developing a PPI coaching programme for senior and junior health services researchers of Zuyd University. The context consisted of research projects conducted by the participants. Methods: A participatory action research methodology. Data were collected from reports of thematic group meetings and individual sessions with participants, field notes and regular reflection meetings with the project team. Data were analysed by reflexive deliberation. Findings: The programme comprised a kick-off meeting (52 attendees), followed by 7 group meetings with 11 junior and 9 senior researchers. The project team constructed a serious game based on the concept of the participation ladder. Questions and concerns differed for junior and senior researchers, and separate tailored meetings were organized for both groups. Between group meetings, participants received individual assignments. Group meetings were accompanied by individual coaching sessions to provide tailor-made feedback. The programme concluded with a combined meeting with all stakeholders. Conclusion: Building a community of PPI practice through action research facilitates the development of a coaching programme that fosters social learning, empowerment and the development of a shared identity concerning PPI. The role and responsibilities of senior researchers should be distinguished from those of junior researchers.
This study explores the evaluation of research pathways of self-management health innovations from discovery to implementation in the context of practice-based research. The aim is to understand how a new process model for evaluating practice-based research provides insights into the implementation success of innovations. Data were collected from nine research projects in the Netherlands. Through document analysis and semi-structured interviews, we analysed how the projects start, evolve, and contribute to the healthcare practice. Building on previous research evaluation approaches to monitor knowledge utilization, we developed a Research Pathway Model. The model’s process character enables us to include and evaluate the incremental work required throughout the lifespan of an innovation project and it helps to foreground that innovation continues during implementation in real-life settings. We found that in each research project, pathways are followed that include activities to explore a new solution, deliver a prototype and contribute to theory. Only three projects explored the solution in real life and included activities to create the necessary changes for the solutions to be adopted. These three projects were associated with successful implementation. The exploration of the solution in a real-life environment in which users test a prototype in their own context seems to be a necessary research activity for the successful implementation of self-management health innovations.
Due to the Covid-19 crisis, higher education was forced to offer online alternatives to their courses. This change drastically increased the number of students partaking in online education. However, the effects of obligatory online education could potentially be harmful and are not yet sufficiently explored. This research analyses the impact of obligatory online education on business students’ social life, well-being and academic performance. The study used a phenomenological and a comparative approach to assess and compare students’ personal experiences in Germany and the Netherlands. A total number of 30 semi-structured interviews were conducted with students in the mentioned countries. Results show, that students’ academic performance decreased due to a lack of student identity, study life balance, motivation and technological issues during e-learning. Furthermore, mixed findings were recorded about the impact on social life. Finally, a slight drop in students’ well-being caused by a decline in physical and mental health was observed. Findings of this study are significant in a sense that they can provide crucial information for policymakers, educators and managers in higher education which enable them to make more informed decisions when delivering online education in crucial times and enhance students’ experience. This will consequently create a more positive impact for students’ well-being, social life and academic performance.