The “Creating Age-friendly Communities: Housing and Technology” publication presents contemporary, innovative, and insightful narratives, debates, and frameworks based on an international collection of papers from scholars spanning the fields of gerontology, social sciences, architecture, computer science, and gerontechnology. This extensive collection of papers aims to move the narrative and debates forward in this interdisciplinary field of age-friendly cities and communities. (This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Creating Age-friendly Communities: Housing and Technology that was published in Healthcare)
Abstract not available (Editorial). Original publication at MDPI: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI.
The sense of safety and security of older people is a widely acknowledged action domain for policy and practice in age-friendly cities. Despite an extensive body of knowledge on the matter, the theory is fragmented, and a classification is lacking. Therefore, this study investigated how older people experience the sense of safety and security in an age-friendly city. A total of four focus group sessions were organised in The Hague comprising 38 older people. Based on the outcomes of the sessions, the sense of safety and security was classified into two main domains: a sense of safety and security impacted by intentional acts and negligence (for instance, burglary and violence), and a sense of safety and security impacted by non-intentional acts (for instance, incidents, making mistakes online). Both domains manifest into three separate contexts, namely the home environment, the outdoor environment and traffic and the digital environment. In the discussions with older people on these derived domains, ideas for potential improvements and priorities were also explored, which included access to information on what older people can do themselves to improve their sense of safety and security, the enforcement of rules, and continuous efforts to develop digital skills to improve safety online. Original article at MDPI; DOI:
Cities across the globe are facing population ageing, which poses many unsolved challenges. Regional, national and European research strategies (including EU4Health) have a strong relation with healthy and active ageing, and stimulate the exchange of best practices to create age-inclusive societies across the continent. Over 1500 cities joined the Global Network for Age Friendly Cities and Communities of the World Health Organization (WHO), which follow a 5-year cycle of planning, implementation and evaluation in order to achieve goals. The Hague (2015) has been an active member of the Network. In the Western Balkans, only Tuzla (2023) is a member. Both the WHO and THUAS seek further expansion of their reach and want to build capacity in the Western Balkans, which is achieved through existing contacts with Mother Teresa University. The Institute for Social Activities in Skopje see THUAS’s age-friendly actions as a stepping stone for a better understanding of ageing well in their ethnically diverse city. Organisations in bordering countries have indicated their interest to join efforts during the annual Towards Sustainable Development Conference. They seek an extension to other countries of the Western Balkans that have previously largely been left out of the European research agenda. Therefore, The Age-friendly Balkans Connected Network seeks to (1) form regional knowledge and action eco-systems through capacity-building, and (2) provide cities with an instrument for a baseline assessment of their age-friendliness. For this purpose, we use the existing Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Questionnaire that was developed at THUAS in 2020 and which has been validated in Albanian and Macedonian. The Network trusts that new national ecosystems and tools can contribute to future age-friendly actions and European grant applications. In the words of Mother Teresa (born in Skopje): “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”