Casuïstiekbesprekingen Verslavingsreclassering Fivoor Rotterdam
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Becoming solar
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Developing Tourist Profiles. SASTDes WP4 Report Interviews
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A conversation between Anab Jain and Marta Peirano, as recorded and retold in a small colony of ants
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Motivations of global Millennial travelers.
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Dynamics without a framework? Towards an ecological-enactive approach to the dynamical view of metaphor
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Taaltechnologie voor taalontwikkelings-assessment
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Social Media, Distracting or Engaging?
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Necessidades de informacion/formacion para el gobierno de las Universidades en el marco del EEES
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Sonia Abrantes Garcêz Palha
Kan (door)ontwikkeling van VR-toepassingen bijdragen aan het welzijn van ouderen met een dementie?
Knowledge Flows in Marine Spatial Planning : Sharing Innovation in Higher Education