There is mounting evidence that efforts to mitigate the adverse effects of human activity on climate and biodiversity have so far been unsuccessful. Explanations for this failure point to a number of factors discussed in this article. While acknowledging cognitive dissonance as a significant contributing factor to continuing unsustainable practices, this article seeks to explore hegemonic rationality of industrial expansion and economic growth and resulting politics of denial. These politics promote the economic rationale for exploitation of the environment, with pursuit of material wealth seen as the most rational goal. Framed this way, this rationality is presented by political and corporate decision-makers as common sense and continuous environmentally destructive behavior is justified under the guise of consumer choices, hampering meaningful action for sustainable change. This article underlines forms of alternative rationality, namely, non-utilitarian and non-hierarchical worldview of environmental and human flourishing, that can advance sustainability. LinkedIn:
The potential of a ‘data-driven life’, together with the realization of Weiser’s vision of ‘the disappearing computer’ have been embraced by many. However, the increasing invisibility, virtuality and complexity of data systems also come with a variety of concerns, such as issues of sensemaking, ownership, representation and control. Although data and technology is all around us, its virtual and invisible nature, thereby its lack of material and tangible forms has implications on the way data systems are (mis) used, understood, experienced and perceived. This paper presents craft-based approaches for physical sense making –widely ranging from physical artefacts to show and hide from monitoring, to crafting data physicalizations for critical thinking, communication and creativity. In doing so, this paper discusses how crafting physical forms can be used as a way to grasp and understand ‘invisible’ data systems.