In Nederland gebruiken 65 plussers drie keer zoveel medicijnen als de gemiddelde Nederlander. Voor 75 plussers geldt dat zij vijf keer zoveel medicijnen gebruiken. In combinatie met leeftijdsgerelateerde natuurlijke veranderingen in het metabolisme, verminderde cognitie, multi-morbiditeit, verminderde nierfunctie, polyfarmacie en verminderde capaciteit tot herstel, zijn ouderen kwetsbaar voor medicatiegerelateerde problemen. Thuiszorg cliënten zijn doorgaans ouder dan 65 jaar, waardoor er vaker sprake is van polyfarmacie en verminderde cognitie. Daarom bevinden zich vooral in deze populatie cliënten, die kwetsbaar zijn voor medicatiegerelateerde problemen. Verschillende studies hebben aangetoond dat huisartsen en apothekers een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan het herkennen van medicatiegerelateerde problemen bij hun patiënten. Er is echter weinig aandacht besteed aan het vroegsignaleren van observaties die kunnen duiden op een medicatie gerelateerd probleem door thuiszorgmedewerkers. In aanvulling op de huisarts en apotheker zouden thuiszorgmedewerkers, die hun patiënten op regelmatige basis thuis bezoeken, een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan het vroegsignaleren van potentiële medicatiegerelateerde problemen. Het doel van dit proefschrift is het: 1. verkennen van de opvattingen van ouderen ten aanzien van hun medicatie en hun medicatie management capaciteit gerelateerd aan zelfmanagement vaardigheden en cognitie; 2. beschrijven van de kennis, houding en medicatie management praktijk van thuiszorgmedewerkers; 3. vaststellen of een gestandaardiseerde observatielijst leidt tot vroegsignalering van potentiële medicatiegerelateerde problemen in de thuiszorg
PurposeThis study investigates patients’ experiences of interaction with their healthcare professionals (HCPs) during cancer treatment and identifies elements that HCPs can utilize to improve cancer care provision.MethodsPubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO, SCOPUS, and Embase were systematically searched for relevant studies published from January 2010 until February 2022. Qualitative studies investigating adult patients’ perspectives on their interaction with HCPs during cancer treatment were included. Studies conducted during the diagnosis or end-of-life treatment phase were excluded. Duplicate removal, screening, and quality appraisal were independently performed by four reviewers using We performed a thematic meta-synthesis of qualitative data extracted from studies meeting the quality criteria in three stages: excerpts coding, codes categorization, and theme identification by merging similar categories.ResultsEighty-eight studies were included for quality appraisal, of which 50 papers met the quality inclusion criteria. Three themes were identified as essential to positively perceived patient-HCP interaction: “Support, respect and agency”, “Quantity, timing, and clarity of information”, and “Confidence, honesty, and expertise”. Overall, patients experienced positive interaction with HCPs when the approach was person-centered and when HCPs possessed strong interpersonal skills. However, patients expressed negative experiences when their preferences regarding communication and the type of personal support needed were ignored.ConclusionsThis meta-synthesis emphasizes the importance for HCPs to recognize all patients’ needs, including communication and personal support preferences, to provide high-quality care. Consequently, healthcare professionals should continuously train their verbal and non-verbal communication, empathy, active listening, and collaboration skills during their undergraduate and continuing education.
Study goal: This study was carried out to answer the following research question: which motivation do healthy volunteers have to participate in phase I clinical trials? - Methods: A literature search was done through Google Scholar and Academic Search Premier, followed by three interviews with volunteers who had recently concluded their participation in a (non-commercial) phase I trial. - Results: Our literature search revealed mainly commercial motives for volunteers to participate in phase I clinical trials. The interviews (with volunteers in a non-commercial trial) showed that other factors may also play a decisive role, such as: (1) wish to support the investigator (2) wish to contribute to science, (3) access to more/better health care (4) sociability: possibility to relax and to communicate with other participants (5) general curiosity. Precondition is that risks and burden are deemed acceptable. - Conclusions: financial remuneration appears to be the predominant motive to participate voluntarily in a clinical trial. Other reasons were also mentioned however, such as general curiosity, the drive to contribute to science and the willingness to help the investigator. In addition, social reasons were given such as possibility to relax and to meet other people. Potential subjects state that they adequately assess the (safety) risks of participating in a trial as part of their decision process.