The in-depth assessment of the situation of the European textile and clothing sector is composed by six independent reports with a close focus on key aspects useful to understand the dynamics and the development of the textile and clothing industry, drivers of change – most notably the impact of the financial crisis – and identification of policy responses and best practices. This has been done in six specific tasks leading to the six reports: Task 1 Survey on the situation of the EU textile and clothing sector Task 2 Report on research and development Task 3 Report on SME situation Task 4 Report on restructuring Task 5 Report on training and Education Task 6 Report on innovation practices The objective of task 4 was to provide an assessment of past or on-going restructuring and modernisation processes in textile and clothing enterprises in the EU and their responses. This task provides an overview of drivers of restructuring and presents an anatomy of restructuring of the textile and clothing industry in the EU in terms of changes in the company business models. Case studies were carried out in five textile and clothing manufacturing regions of the EU with a particular emphasis on emerging strategies and business models and providing evidence for the impacts of restructuring processes. Another objective has been to analyse framework conditions and identify constraints and best practice measures and initiatives at company and regional/national level concerning anticipation of change and management of modernisation and restructuring processes, so that these examples may inform policy action and initiatives in other regions in Europe.
The in-depth assessment of the situation of the European textile and clothing sector is composed by six independent reports with a close focus on key aspects useful to understand the dynamics and the development of the textile and clothing industry, drivers of change – most notably the impact of the financial crisis – and identification of policy responses and best practices. This has been done in six specific tasks leading to the six reports: Task 1 Survey on the situation of the EU textile and clothing sector Task 2 Report on research and development Task 3 Report on SME situation Task 4 Report on restructuring Task 5 Report on training and Education Task 6 Report on innovation practices. This final report draws on the key findings of each independent report, highlighting major conclusions in order to describe the situation of the textile and clothing industry and the way forward for the sector. In line with the terms of reference the findings in the six reports have been analysed in connection with the developments following the recommendations drafted by the High Level Group on textiles and clothing (further referred to as HLG), installed in 2004 as a response to the European Commission Communication of 29th of October 2003 on the textile and clothing industry. The HLG was composed of leading personalities representing stakeholders in the textiles and clothing industry and issued two reports entailing a vision and recommendations.
This report aims at sharing knowledge relevant for sustainabili- ty-oriented studies and actions in the Dutch apparel sector, with a focus on clothing volumes. The apparel industry is said to be one of the most polluting at a global level; however, we nd that dis- cussions of its environmental challenges or the actions needed to tackle them are often based on super cial or unreliable information. This information is frequently disseminated by word of mouth and non-scienti c texts and nally accepted as valid. Moreover, some actors working on practice-based solutions for the environmen- tal challenges of the apparel industry build solutions and projects based on these ‘facts’. As a result, these actors risk focussing on topics that are not as critical or relevant as was originally thought. Clear, reliable data is needed to pinpoint the true challenges and bottlenecks within the fashion system.