This study seeks to explore the characteristics of cyber-organised crime (OC), and focuses on the criminal activities of cyber-OC groups, their modus operandi, the organisational structures, the ‘profiles’ of the involved offenders, and the characteristics of criminal investigation into these cases. For this purpose we will focus on the following research questions:1.Is organised crime involved in cybercrime? What kind of cybercrime do organised crime groups commit?2.How do organised crime groups use the Internet to commit ‘traditional crimes’?3.Does the Internet provide windows of opportunity for the development of new business ideas and for the identification and approaching of new targets?4.Does the Internet lead to structural changes in organised crime?5.Is cybercrime organised? How, why and when?6.How does the criminal investigation of (organised) cybercrime work in practice and which best practices and challenges can be identified?
Crime script analysis as a methodology to analyse criminal processes is underdeveloped. This is apparent from the various approaches in which scholars apply crime scripting and present their cybercrime scripts. The plethora of scripting methods raise significant concerns about the reliability and validity of these scripting studies. In this methodological paper, we demonstrate how object-oriented modelling (OOM) could address some of the currently identified methodological issues, thereby refining crime script analysis. More specifically, we suggest to visualise crime scripts using static and dynamic modelling with the Unified Modelling Language (UML) to harmonise cybercrime scripts without compromising their depth. Static models visualise objects in a system or process, their attributes and their relationships. Dynamic models visualise actions and interactions during a process. Creating these models in addition to the typical textual narrative could aid analysts to more systematically consider, organise and relate key aspects of crime scripts. In turn, this approach might, amongst others, facilitate alternative ways of identifying intervention measures, theorising about offender decision-making, and an improved shared understanding of the crime phenomenon analysed. We illustrate the application of these models with a phishing script.
The Annual Conference on the Human Factor in Cybercrime is a small and specialised scientific event that aims to bring together scholars from around the world to present their research advances to a select audience. Its dynamic and linear format favours group discussions since all contributions are heard by all the attendants. This, together with its tailored social scheme, promotes interaction between members, which—in turn—leads to new collaborations. However, it has not yet been analysed whether the design of the conference actually encourages varied participation and fosters collaborative networks among its participants. The purpose of this chapter is to assess participation in the 2018 and 2019 editions to determine whether this is the case. Using descriptive analyses, here we show how participation in the conference has varied and examine the composition of the collaboration networks among the participants. The results show an increased and more diverse participation in the 2019 meeting along with a greater presence of stakeholders. Furthermore, the findings reveal that members of previously established organisations play an important role in cohering the network. Yet few connections exist between academia and practice. A further analysis of the strengths and weaknesses identified in the two editions of the conference serves to elaborate a series of recommendations for future editions.
Ambtenaren openbare orde en veiligheid spelen een centrale rol in de zorg voor maatschappelijke veiligheid. Hun focus ligt van oudsher op de preventie van slachtofferschap van veelvoorkomende criminaliteit (zoals diefstal, vernielingen en vandalisme) en high impact crime (zoals woninginbraak, overvallen en straatroven) binnen hun verzorgingsgebied. Intussen heeft de digitalisering van de samenleving een ongeëvenaarde gelegenheid voor criminaliteit gecreëerd. De totale maatschappelijke schade van cybercrime werd voor 2018 op 10 miljard euro geschat (1% van BNP). Uit cijfers van het CBS blijkt dat tussen 2012 en 2018 het slachtofferschap van hacken zelfs hoger lag dan dat van fietsendiefstal. Nederlandse gemeenten hebben cybercrime in de afgelopen twee jaar dan ook breed als beleidsprioriteit omarmd. Maar in de vertaling van deze beleidsprioriteit naar concrete acties gaat het mis. Duidelijk is dat de ambtenaren openbare orde en veiligheid een taak voor zichzelf zien in de preventie van cybercrime, maar waar te beginnen? In dit project bundelen professionals uit twaalf gemeenten en vier regionale veiligheidsnetwerken hun slagkracht met onderzoekers van twee hogescholen en het NSCR voor de cyberweerbaarheid van de samenleving. De hoofdvraag van dit project luidt: Met welke interventies kunnen ambtenaren openbare orde en veiligheid de cyberweerbaarheid van burgers en bedrijven binnen hun gemeente vergroten? Middels actieonderzoek werken professionals van gemeenten en regio’s samen met onderzoekers aan het verbeteren van bestaande en het ontwikkelen van nieuwe interventies. Daarbij verscherpen zij hun beeld van de omvang en achtergronden van slachtofferschap van cybercrime. Ook onderzoeken zij achtergronden en verklaringen voor het risicobewustzijn en preventief gedrag onder doelgroepen. Deze inzichten worden in verschillende iteraties aangevuld met effectstudies, om tot een set beproefde interventies te komen waarmee de cyberweerbaarheid van burgers en bedrijven zal toenemen.
The growing use of digital media has led to a society with plenty of new opportunities for knowledge exchange, communication and entertainment, but also less desirable effects like fake news or cybercrime. Several studies, however, have shown that children are less digital literate than expected. Digital literacy has consequently become a key part within the new national educational policy plans titled and the Dutch research and policy agendas. This research project is focused on the role the game sector can play in the development of digital literacy skills of children. In concrete, we want to understand the value of the use of digital literacy related educational games in the context of primary education. Taking into consideration that the childhood process of learning takes place through playing, several studies claim that the introduction of the use of technology at a young age should be done through play. Digital games seem a good fit but are themselves also part of digital media we want young people to be literate about. Furthermore, it needs to be taken into account that digital literacy of teachers can be limited as well. The interactive, structured nature of digital games offers potential here as they are less dependent on the support and guidance of an adult, but at the same time this puts even more emphasis on sensible game design to ensure the desired outcome. The question is, then, if and how digital games are best designed to foster the development of digital literacy skills. By harnessing the potential of educational games, a consortium of knowledge and practice partners aim to show how creating theoretical and practical insights about digital literacy and game design can aid the serious games industry to contribute to the societal challenges concerning contemporary literacy demands.