Over the past year and a half, the pandemic has posed serious challenges to many professions, including education in general and teacher education in particular. COVID19 created an unprecedented and unimagined disruption without preparation. As in schools, in teacher education daily routines were challenged and we needed to rethink both our understanding of what teaching in schools looks like and what teachers need, and our understanding of TE pedagogy which is traditionally based on close interpersonal interaction and classroom teaching practice.In this turbulent period and given the circumstances and the need for ‘emergency distance learning’, many teacher educators did their very best with full dedication to their responsibilities towards students, schools and society. At the same time, the question can be raised whether we can do better next time. The answer to that question depends on the extent in which we are able to learn from our past experiences. Research and exchange of our experiences can support this learning process.The Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) network has been actively involved in efforts to learn from our past experiences and to strengthen knowledge to meet the new challenges. In doing so, we are aware of the importance of bringing together experts from different fields in a broad international forum. Among others, on 15 April 2021, with the help of colleagues from Tallinn University, we organized a webinar on the dilemmas and challenges teachers and schools face during the pandemic to ensure quality education for all, and how teacher education can support this. A month later, on 20-22 May, we held our fifteenth annual conference entitled Challenges of distance teaching in teacher education and education, organized by colleagues from the University of Ljubljana. It was attended by over 200 participants from 34 countries. In this document we summarize the main findings and recommendations that emerged from the presentations and discussions at both events.
This study analyses the dilemmas and practical problems in implementing competence-based vocational education through 11 case studies. Schools seem to meet various fundamental issues, but it remains difficult in what way the acquisition and use of a way of knowing and thinking that is based on vocational theory can be stimulated. Reflection, authenticity and coaching seem to missing. In order to explain these results, the article also reflects on factors that account for the distance between promising concepts and actual teaching practice.
Economic and environmental sustainability are the two main drivers behind today’s logistics innovation. On the one hand, Industry 4.0 technologies are leading towards self-organizing logistics by enabling autonomous vehicles, which can significantly make logistics transport efficient. Detailed impact analysis of autonomous vehicles in repetitive, short-distance inter-hub transport in logistics hubs like XL Business park is presently being investigated in KIEM project STEERS. On the other hand, the zero-emission technology (such as battery electric) can complement the autonomous logistics transport in making such a logistics hub climate-neutral. In such a scenario, an automatic vehicle charging environment (i.e., charging infrastructure and energy supply) for autonomous electric vehicles will play a crucial role in maximizing the overall operational efficiency and sustainability by reducing the average idle time of both vehicles and charging infrastructure. The project INGENIOUS explores an innovative idea for presenting a sustainable and environment-friendly solution for meeting the energy demand and supply for autonomous electric vehicles in a logistics hub. It will develop and propose an intelligent charging environment for operating autonomous electric vehicles in XL Business park by considering its real-life settings and operational demand. The project combines the knowledge of education and research institutes (Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen and The University of Twente), industry partners (HyET Solar Netherlands BV, Distribute, Bolk Container Transport and Combi Terminal Twente), and public institutes (XL Business Park, Port of Twente, Regio Twente and Industriepark Kleefse Waard). The project results will form a sound basis for developing a real-life demonstrator in the XL Business park in the subsequent RAAK Pro SAVED project. A detailed case study for Industriepark Kleefse Waard will also be carried out to showcase the broader applicability of the INGENIOUS concept.
Being objective as a journalist indicates a distance to your sources and maintaining the role of a neutral bystander. This principle echoes in journalism education; generally speaking, to call something objective is a compliment and to say something is subjective is a warning. This journalistic role perception faces criticism since the late twentieth century. There’s extensive scholarly research looking to bridge the gap between objectivism and subjectivism, but journalistic education still widely prioritizes a binary perception of these principles, putting a strong emphasis on objective reporting. This PD aims to integrate artistic practices into journalism education that advocate a more balanced approach of the assumed objective-subjective dichotomy. One such approach is live journalism, where the artistic method extends to productional outcome, usually in the form of a journalistic narrative brought before a live audience. Research shows that, whereas visitors still think such productions should be fact-based, the fact that journalists had (made) a personal connection to their subject was seen as essential to the credibility of their work. This presupposes that journalism in this context is not merely a profession, but rather a person carrying out a profession. This PD intends to not only accept a certain subjectivity, but to explore its potential in journalism education. It plays with the concept not as being or becoming personally opinionated as a journalist, but as subjecting the self as a reporter. Research shows that for journalists, such an active connection to a target audience and an attitude to want to hear more than an answer to a question leads to a more representative understanding of the position and predicaments of a social group. In this light, the objective and subjective do not present themselves as a T-junction where the journalist chooses either one or the other; they appear in mutuality.
Welke rol kunnen ‘grassroots’ initiatieven spelen bij het tot stand brengen van de grondstoffentransitie? Idealiter voelen lokale gemeenschappen zich eigenaar van hun eigen materiaalkringloop en profiteren ze ervan door minder afval, betaalbare producten en zinvol werk. Stichting Stunt (sociale ondernemer in upcycling) experimenteert al enige jaren met hergebruiken van plastic afval en omwerken naar nieuwe producten die relatief gemakkelijk te maken zijn door mensen met een afstand tot de arbeidsmarkt. Om een prominentere rol te kunnen spelen in de grondstoffentransitie, moeten leerwerkplaatsen en andere sociale ondernemingen de productie opschalen (in volume en naar meer hoogwaardige producten). Het doel van dit project is om inzicht te verkrijgen in hoe de belemmeringen die zij daarbij ervaren verminderd kunnen worden. De belemmeringen zijn o.a.: geen toegang tot goedkopere, robuuste machines voor upcycling; het productieproces is niet zomaar beheersbaar voor mensen met afstand tot de arbeidsmarkt; er zijn geschikte productontwerpen nodig. Hieruit volgt de vraag om een productconfigurator te maken. Dit heeft drie voordelen: -in de configurator kan een klant zelf een product configureren; -het genereren van de werkinstructies kan van daaruit worden geautomatiseerd; -de configurator kan direct feedback geven over de voetafdruk van het product en bv. de benodigde hoeveelheid afval. Stichting Stunt, The Upcycle en lectoraat Smart Sustainable Manufacturing van de Haagse Hogeschool willen samen een pilot uitvoeren om de haalbaarheid van dit principe te testen voor producten uit platen van gerecycled kunststof, omdat een robuuste platenpersmachine relatief gemakkelijk te ontwikkelen en bedienen is. Met behulp van de nieuwe tools kan het upcycle bedrijf aan de slag met: marktonderzoek, productontwerp en procesverbetering. De nieuwe tools zijn ook bruikbaar voor educatie, wat in de toekomst weer een belangrijke rol kan spelen bij het uitbouwen van een lokale upcycle community. Het project draagt hiermee bij aan optimaal hergebruik in lokale kringlopen.