The proportion of elderly people in the society is constantly growing. The elderly who live alone form one of the most vulnerable groups in the society that is also at considerable risk for poverty and social isolation. According to the last population census in Estonia (2011), 39.3% of the elderly (65+) lived alone. The ageing of the population is accompanied by novel challenges, among them especially the coping of the elderly living alone. In 2015, the research team at the Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society conducted a study to map Estonian community-based practices that are available for the elderly (65+), especially for those who live alone at home, and the way these practices support interdependent coping and prevent the need for institutional care. This study, based on qualitative and quantitative data collected in Estonian communities, suggests that cooperation between Estonian local governments and communities should be more effective and involve regular interaction. Promising practices include developing network-based community support models and broadening communication possibilities.
The aim of this systematic review was to examine the association between malnutrition and oral health in older people (≥ 60 years of age). A comprehensive systematic literature search was performed in four databases (PubMed, CINAHL, Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source, and Embase) for literature from January 2000 to May 2020. Both observational and intervention studies were screened for eligibility. Two reviewers independently screened the search results to identify potential eligible studies, and assessed the methodological quality of the full-text studies. A total of 3240 potential studies were identified. After judgement for relevance, 10 studies (cross-sectional (n = 9), prospective cohort (n = 1)) met the inclusion criteria. Three studies described malnourished participants as having fewer teeth, or functional (tooth) units (FTUs), compared to well-nourished participants. Four studies reported soft tissue problems in malnourished participants, including red tongue with blisters, and dry or cracked lips. Subjective oral health was the topic in six studies, with poorer oral health and negative self-perception of oral health in malnourished elderly participants. There are associations between (at risk of) malnutrition and oral health in older people, categorized in hard and soft tissue conditions of the mouth, and subjective oral health. Future research should be focused on longitudinal cohort studies with proper determination of malnutrition and oral health assessments, in order to evaluate the actual association between malnutrition and oral health in older people.
Background: Despite high prevalence of mental problems among elderly migrants in The Netherlands, the use of psychosocial care services by this group is low. Scientific evidence points at the crucial role of social support for mental health and the use of psychosocial services. We therefore explored the role of social networks in the access to psychosocial care among elderly migrants in The Netherlands. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured group interviews and individual interviews. The eight group and eleven individual interviews (respectively n = 58 and n = 11) were conducted in The Netherlands with Turkish, Moroccan, Surinamese, and Dutch elderly. The data were analysed through coding and comparing fragments and recognizing patterns. Results: Support of the social network is important to navigate to psychosocial care and is most frequently provided by children. However, the social network of elderly migrants is generally not able to meet the needs of the elderly. This is mostly due to poor mental health literacy of the social network, taboo, and stigma around mental illness and the busy lives of the social network members. Conclusions: Strategies to address help-seeking barriers should consider mental health literacy in elderly migrants as well as their social networks, and counteract taboos and stigma of mental health problems.
With the help of sensors that made data collection and processing possible, many products around us have become “smarter”. The situation that our car, refrigerator, or umbrella communicating with us and each other is no longer a future scenario; it is increasingly a shared reality. There are good examples of such connectedness such as lifestyle monitoring of elderly persons or waste management in a smart city. Yet, many other smart products are designed just for the sake of embedding a chip in something without thinking through what kind of value they add everyday life. In other words, the design of these systems have mainly been driven by technology until now and little studies have been carried out on how the design of such systems helps citizens to improve or maintain the quality of their individual and collective lives. The CREATE-IT research center creates new solutions and methodologies in “digital design” that contribute to the quality of life of citizens. Correspondingly, this proposal focuses on one type of digital design—smart products—and investigate the concept of empowerment in relation to the design of smart products. In particular, the proposal aims to develop a model with its supplementary tools and methods for designing such products better. By following a research-through-design methodology, the proposal intends to offer a critical understanding on designing smart products. Along with its theoretical contribution, the proposal will also aid the students of ICT and design, and professionals such as designers and engineers to create smart products that will empower people and the industry to develop products grounded in a clear user experience and business model.
In het PRIMa mond CARE project wordt onderzocht in hoeverre de mondgezondheid bijdraagt aan de voorspelling van kwetsbaarheid bij thuiswondende ouderen.Doel Het doel van het PRIMa mond CARE project is te onderzoeken in hoeverre mondgezondheid bijdraagt aan de voorspelling van kwetsbaarheid bij thuiswonende ouderen. Resultaten Voor het onderzoek zijn 1202 ouderen geïncludeerd, waarvan 45% mannen. De gemiddelde leeftijd van de participanten was 73 jaar. De eerste resultaten laten verbanden zien tussen kwetsbaarheid en onderstaande gezondheidsfactoren: • het bezoeken van de tandarts voor een spoedconsult; • het ervaren van ongemakken in de mond; • het aanpassen van de voeding als gevolg van ongemakken in de mond en • het dragen van een gebitsprothese. De volgende artikelen over dit onderzoek zijn inmiddels gepubliceerd: 'Probing problems and priorities in oral health among community dwelling elderly in the Netherlands' in het International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. In het International Journal of Health Services is het artikel 'Needs in Sevice Provision for Older People: An comparison Between Greater Manchester (United Kingdom) and Utrecht (the Netherlands)' gepubliceerd. Recentelijk verscheen ‘’Measurement properties of oral health assessments for non-dental professionals in older people: a systematic review’’ in het BMC Geriatrics. Looptijd 01 november 2016 - 01 juli 2020 Aanpak De huisarts brengt met een softwareprogramma genaamd ‘’U-PRIM’’ de groep potentieel kwetsbare ouderen in kaart. De mensen uit deze screening komen in fase twee: U-CARE. Zij ontvangen een vragenlijst: de Groningen Frailty Indicator. Met de uitkomsten van de vragenlijsten worden de domeinen van kwetsbaarheid gedefinieerd. Deze mensen krijgen huisbezoek van een praktijkverpleegkundige die een zorgplan op maat maakt. De verpleegkundige screent tijdens dit bezoek de oudere ook op mondgezondheidsproblemen, naast de algemene gezondheidscontrole. Daarnaast zijn de gegevens uit het tandartsenbestand gekoppeld aan de gegevens van de huisarts. Ook zijn twee vragen over mondgezondheid toegevoegd aan de Groningen Frailty Indicator. Aan de deelnemers van het onderzoek is toestemming gevraagd om de tandartsgegevens op te vragen bij de tandarts en deze te koppelen aan de huisartsgegevens. Daarnaast zijn alle gegevens anoniem verwerkt.
More and more aged people are joining the traffic, either using a passenger car or through a special low speed two-seater for in-city use. For elderly people, self-management in staying mobile is an essential part of their quality of life. However, with increased involvement of elderly in traffic, the risk of serious accidents increases, especially in cities. Fortunately, a rapid development of innovative technology is shown in vehicle design, with focus on advanced driver support, herewith referred to as ‘ambient intelligence’. This holds a promise to improve the safety situation, under the condition that adaption to the elderly driver’s need is accounted for. And that is not a straightforward issue, since ‘no size fits all’. With increasing age, we see an increased variety in driving skills with emphasis on cognitive, perceptual and physical limitations. In addition, people may suffer from diseases with a neurological background or other (cardiopulmonary disease, obesity or diabetes). The partners in this project have expressed the need to survey the feasibility of ‘ambient intelligence’ technology for low-speed vehicles also addressing E-Health functions to bring people safely home or involve medical help in case of health-critical situations. The MAX Mobiel make their vehicle available for that, and will help to guard the elder customer demand. The HAN Automotive Research team carries out the research, in cooperation with the HAN professorship on E-Health. Hence, both the automotive technology part of the HAN University of Applied Sciences as well as expertise from the Health oriented part of the HAN are included, being essential to successfully extend the relevant technologies to a fully integrated elderly driver support system, in the future. Noldus Information Technology is involved on the basis of their knowledge in human monitoring (drive lab) and data synchronization. The St. Maartenskliniek (Nijmegen) brings in their experience with people being restricted in physical or neurological sense.