Background: Successful implementation of multifactorial fall prevention interventions (FPIs) is essential to reduce increasing fall rates in communitydwelling older adults. However, implementation often fails due to the complex context of the community involving multiple stakeholders within and across settings, sectors, and organizations. As there is a need for a better understanding of the occurring context-related challenges, the current scoping review purposes to identify what contextual determinants (i.e., barriers and facilitators) influence the implementation of FPIs in the community. Methods: A scoping reviewwas performed using the Arksey andO’Malley framework. First, electronic databases (Pubmed, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, PsycINFO) were searched. Studies that identified contextual determinants that influence the implementation of FPIs in the community were included. Second, to both validate the findings from the literature and identify complementary determinants, health and social care professionals were consulted during consensus meetings (CMs) in four districts in the region of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Data were analyzed following a directed qualitative content analysis approach, according to the 39 constructs of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Results: Fourteen relevant studies were included and 35 health and social care professionals (such as general practitioners, practice nurses, and physical therapists) were consulted during four CMs. Directed qualitative content analysis of the included studies yielded determinants within 35 unique constructs operating as barriers and/or facilitators. The majority of the constructs (n = 21) were identified in both the studies and CMs, such as “networks and communications”, “formally appointed internal implementation leaders”, “available resources” and “patient needs and resources”. The other constructs (n = 14) were identified only in the . Discussion: Findings in this review show that awide array of contextual determinants are essential in achieving successful implementation of FPIs in the community. However, some determinants are considered important to address, regardless of the context where the implementation occurs. Such as accounting for time constraints and financial limitations, and considering the needs of older adults. Also, broad cross-sector collaboration and coordination are required in multifactorial FPIs. Additional context analysis is always an essential part of implementation efforts, as contexts may differ greatly, requiring a locally tailored approach.
Background: The need for effective continuing education is especially high in in-hospital geriatric care, as older patients have a higher risk of complications, such as falls. It is important that nurses are able to prevent them. However, it remains unknown which interventions change the behavior of nurses. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify intervention options to change the behavior of hospital nurses regarding fall prevention among older hospitalized patients. Methods: This study used a mixed method design. The Behavior Change Wheel (BCW) was used to identify intervention functions and policy categories to change the behavior of nurses regarding fall prevention. This study followed the eight steps of the BCW and two methods of data collection were used: five focus groups and three Delphi rounds. The focus groups were held with hospital nurses (n = 26). Geriatric experts (n = 11), managers (n = 13) and educators (n = 13) were included in the Delphi rounds. All data were collected within ten tertiary teaching hospitals in the Netherlands. All participants were included based on predefined in- and exclusion criteria and availability. Results: In Geriatric experts’ opinions interventions targeting behavior change of nurses regarding fall prevention should aim at ‘after-care’, ‘estimating fall risk’ and ‘providing information’. However, in nurses’ opinions it should target; ‘providing information’, ‘fall prevention’ and ‘multifactorial fall risk assessment’. Nurses experience a diversity of limitations relating to capability, opportunity and motivation to prevent fall incidents among older patients. Based on these limitations educational experts identified three intervention functions: Incentivisation, modelling and enablement. Managers selected the following policy categories; communication/marketing, regulation and environmental/social planning. Conclusions: The results of this study show there is a discrepancy in opinions of nurses, geriatric experts, managers and educators. Further insight in the role and collaboration of managers, educators and nurses is necessary for the development of education programs strengthening change at the workplace that enable excellence in nursing practice. DOI:
Background: Many intervention development projects fail to bridge the gap from basic research to clinical practice. Instead of theory-based approaches to intervention development, co-design prioritizes the end users' perspective as well as continuous collaboration between stakeholders, designers, and researchers throughout the project. This alternative approach to the development of interventions is expected to promote the adaptation to existing treatment activities and to be responsive to the requirements of end users. Objective: The first objective was to provide an overview of all activities that were employed during the course of a research project to develop a relapse prevention intervention for interdisciplinary pain treatment programs. The second objective was to examine how co-design may contribute to stakeholder involvement, generation of relevant insights and ideas, and incorporation of stakeholder input into the intervention design. Methods: We performed an embedded single case study and used the double diamond model to describe the process of intervention development. Using all available data sources, we also performed deductive content analysis to reflect on this process. Results: By critically reviewing the value and function of a co-design project with respect to idea generation, stakeholder involvement, and incorporation of stakeholder input into the intervention design, we demonstrated how co-design shaped the transition from ideas, via concepts, to a prototype for a relapse prevention intervention. Conclusions: Structural use of co-design throughout the project resulted in many different participating stakeholders and stimulating design activities. As a consequence, the majority of the components of the final prototype can be traced back to the information that stakeholders provided during the project. Although this illustrates how co-design facilitates the integration of contextual information into the intervention design, further experimental testing is required to evaluate to what extent this approach ultimately leads to improved usability as well as patient outcomes in the context of clinical practice.