The Dutch national platform for artistic research organised a day of talks and discussion regarding the topic of ethics, care, and code of conduct for researchers. The introduction laid out several of the key topics and themes for the day, along with the social contexts (#MeToo, BLM, environmental crisis, Corona pandemic, GDPR, and further topics) that make it necessary to explicitly focus on ethics in our work.
Moral food lab: Transforming the food system with crowd-sourced ethics
This chapter addresses environmental education as an important subject of anthropological inquiry and demonstrates how ethnographic research can contribute to our understanding of environmental learning both in formal and informal settings. Anthropology of environmental education is rich in ethnographies of indigenous knowledge of plants and animals, as well as emotional and religious engagement with nature passed on through generations. Aside from these ethnographies of informal environmental education, anthropological studies can offer a critical reflection on the formal practice of education, especially as it is linked to development in non-Western countries. Ethnographic and critical studies of environmental education will be discussed as one of the most challenging directions of environmental anthropology of the future. This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge/CRC Press in "Environmental Anthropology: Future Directions" on 7/18/13 available online: LinkedIn: