The aim of this systematic review was to examine the association between malnutrition and oral health in older people (≥ 60 years of age). A comprehensive systematic literature search was performed in four databases (PubMed, CINAHL, Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source, and Embase) for literature from January 2000 to May 2020. Both observational and intervention studies were screened for eligibility. Two reviewers independently screened the search results to identify potential eligible studies, and assessed the methodological quality of the full-text studies. A total of 3240 potential studies were identified. After judgement for relevance, 10 studies (cross-sectional (n = 9), prospective cohort (n = 1)) met the inclusion criteria. Three studies described malnourished participants as having fewer teeth, or functional (tooth) units (FTUs), compared to well-nourished participants. Four studies reported soft tissue problems in malnourished participants, including red tongue with blisters, and dry or cracked lips. Subjective oral health was the topic in six studies, with poorer oral health and negative self-perception of oral health in malnourished elderly participants. There are associations between (at risk of) malnutrition and oral health in older people, categorized in hard and soft tissue conditions of the mouth, and subjective oral health. Future research should be focused on longitudinal cohort studies with proper determination of malnutrition and oral health assessments, in order to evaluate the actual association between malnutrition and oral health in older people.
Background: Manual muscle mass assessment based on Computed Tomography (CT) scans is recognized as a good marker for malnutrition, sarcopenia, and adverse outcomes. However, manual muscle mass analysis is cumbersome and time consuming. An accurate fully automated method is needed. In this study, we evaluate if manual psoas annotation can be substituted by a fully automatic deep learning-based method.Methods: This study included a cohort of 583 patients with severe aortic valve stenosis planned to undergo Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR). Psoas muscle area was annotated manually on the CT scan at the height of lumbar vertebra 3 (L3). The deep learning-based method mimics this approach by first determining the L3 level and subsequently segmenting the psoas at that level. The fully automatic approach was evaluated as well as segmentation and slice selection, using average bias 95% limits of agreement, Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and within-subject Coefficient of Variation (CV). To evaluate performance of the slice selection visual inspection was performed. To evaluate segmentation Dice index was computed between the manual and automatic segmentations (0 = no overlap, 1 = perfect overlap).Results: Included patients had a mean age of 81 ± 6 and 45% was female. The fully automatic method showed a bias and limits of agreement of -0.69 [-6.60 to 5.23] cm2, an ICC of 0.78 [95% CI: 0.74-0.82] and a within-subject CV of 11.2% [95% CI: 10.2-12.2]. For slice selection, 84% of the selections were on the same vertebra between methods, bias and limits of agreement was 3.4 [-24.5 to 31.4] mm. The Dice index for segmentation was 0.93 ± 0.04, bias and limits of agreement was -0.55 [1.71-2.80] cm2.Conclusion: Fully automatic assessment of psoas muscle area demonstrates accurate performance at the L3 level in CT images. It is a reliable tool that offers great opportunities for analysis in large scale studies and in clinical applications.
Malnutrition is a serious and widespread health problem in community-dwelling older adults who receive care in hospital and at home. Hospital and home care nurses and nursing assistants have a key role in the delivery of high-quality multidisciplinary nutritional care. Nursing nutritional care in current practice, however, is still suboptimal, which impacts its quality and continuity. There appear to be at least two reasons for this. First, there is a lack of evidence for nutritional care interventions to be carried out by nurses. Second, there are several factors, that influence nurses’ and nursing assistants’ current behaviour, such as lack of knowledge, moderate awareness of the importance and neutral attitudes. This results in a lack of attention towards nutritional care. Therefore, there is a need to generate more evidence and to focus on targeting the factors that influence nurses’ and nursing assistants’ current behaviour to eventually promote behaviour change. To increase the likelihood of successfully changing their behaviour, an evidence-based educational intervention is appropriate. This might lead to enhancing nutritional care and positively impact nutritional status, health and well-being of community-dwelling older adults. The general objectives of this thesis are: 1) To understand the current state of evidence regarding nutrition-related interventions and factors that influence current behaviour in nutritional care for older adults provided by hospital and home care nurses and nursing assistants to prevent and treat malnutrition. 2) To develop an educational intervention for hospital and home care nurses and nursing assistants to promote behaviour change by affecting factors that influence current behaviour in nutritional care for older adults and to describe the intervention development and feasibility.
Landelijk voldoet slechts 61% van de kinderen tussen 4-11 jaar aan de beweegrichtlijn van 60 minuten per dag. Via het bewegingsonderwijs worden alle kinderen in Nederland bereikt en bewegingsonderwijs kan daarmee een belangrijke rol vervullen om een basis te leggen voor een leven lang bewegen. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat plezier in bewegen een belangrijke factor is voor een leven lang bewegen. Vakleerkrachten bewegingsonderwijs geven echter aan niet inzichtelijk te hebben of hun lessen/programma bewegingsonderwijs bijdragen aan het beweeggedrag en het plezier in bewegen van kinderen. Er is nog geen eenduidig begrip van plezier in bewegen van leerlingen in de gymles en het is ook nog niet helder welke factoren het plezier van leerlingen in de gymles beïnvloeden. Tevens ontbreekt het aan een praktisch toepasbaar instrument waarmee plezier in bewegen in de gymles kan worden vastgesteld en waarin het perspectief van de leerling kan worden meegenomen. Daarom beogen we in dit project met een landelijk consortium, waarin onder andere leerlingen, vakleerkrachten bewegingsonderwijs en docent-onderzoekers van de opleidingen samenwerken: 1) inzichtelijk te maken welke factoren van een gymles plezier van kinderen beïnvloeden; 2) een instrument te ontwikkelen waarmee vakleerkrachten bewegingsonderwijs in staat zijn om het plezier van kinderen tijdens de gymles te monitoren, en; 3) te werken aan programma’s/ handvatten die de vakleerkracht bewegingsonderwijs ondersteunen om ieder kind met meer plezier te laten deelnemen aan de gymles.