Can Marketing Increase Willingness to Pay for Welfare-Enhanced Chicken Meat? Evidence from Experimental Auctions
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Reducing meat consumption: The influence of life course transitions, barriers and enablers, and effective strategies according to young Dutch adults
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Substituting meat and the role of a situational context
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Digitally Supported Dietary Protein Counseling Changes Dietary Protein Intake, Sources and Distribution in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
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Cross-border climate vulnerabilities of the European Union to drought
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Internet of things (IoT)
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Dietary protein intake in Dutch elderly people
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Technologie voor het maken van een volgende generatie vleesvervangers: de shear cell technologie.
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Why do consumers buy socially responsible products
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De student zien als participant in een complexe wereld
Growing Leather
Weipermeaat als grondstof voor ethanol en single cell protein productie