BACKGROUND: Today's nursing school applicants are considered “digital natives.” This study investigated students' views of new health care technologies. METHOD: In a cross-sectional survey among first-year nursing students, 23 common nursing activities and five telehealth nursing activities were presented along with three statements: “I consider this a core task of nursing,” “I look forward to becoming trained in this task,” and “I think I will do very well in performing this task.” RESULTS: Internet-generation nursing students (n = 1,113) reported a significantly (p ⩽ .001) less positive view of telehealth activities than of common nursing activities. Median differences were 0.7 (effect size [ES], −0.54), 0.4 (ES, −0.48), and 0.3 (ES, −0.39), measured on a 7-point scale. CONCLUSION: Internet-generation nursing students do not naturally have a positive view of technology-based health care provision. The results emphasize that adequate technology and telehealth education is still needed for nursing students. [J Nurs Educ. 2017;56(12):717–724.]
AIM: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of a more 'community-oriented' baccalaureate nursing curriculum on students' intervention choice in community care.BACKGROUND: Following a healthcare shift with increased chronic diseases in an ageing patient population receiving care at home, nursing education is revising its curricula with new themes (e.g., self-management) on community care. Although it seems obvious that students incorporate these themes in their nursing care interventions, this is unclear. This study investigates the effect of a redesigned curriculum on students' care intervention choice in community nursing.DESIGN: A quasi-experimental quantitative study.METHODS: This study with an historic control group (n = 328; study cohorts graduating in 2016 and 2017; response rate 83 %) and an intervention group n = 152; graduating in 2018; response rate 80 %) was performed at a University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. The intervention group experienced a curriculum-redesign containing five new themes related to community care (e.g., enhancing self-management, collaboration with the patients' social network, shared decision making, using health technology and care allocation). The primary outcome 'intervention choice in community nursing' was assessed with a specially developed vignette instrument 'Assessment of Intervention choice in Community Nursing' (AICN). Through multiple regression analyses we investigated the effect of the curriculum-redesign on students' intervention choice (more 'traditional' interventions versus interventions related to the five new themes). The control and intervention groups were compared on the number of interventions per theme and on the number of students choosing a theme, with a chi-square or T-test.RESULTS: Students who studied under the more community-oriented curriculum chose interventions related to the new themes significantly more often, F(1461) = 14.827, p = <0.001, R2 = .031. However, more traditional interventions are still favourite (although less in the intervention group): 74.5 % of the chosen interventions in the historic control group had no relation with the new curriculum-themes, vs. 71.3 % in the intervention group; p = .055).CONCLUSIONS: Students who experienced a more 'community-oriented' curriculum were more likely, albeit to a limited extent, to choose the new community care themes in their caregiving. Seeing this shift in choices as a step in the right direction, it can be expected that the community care field in the longer term will benefit from these better skilled graduates.
The aim of this study was to develop a valid instrument to measure student nurses’ perceptions of community care (SCOPE). DeVellis’ staged model for instrument development and validation was used. Scale construction of SCOPE was based on existing literature. Evaluation of its psychometric properties included exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis. After pilot-testing, 1062 bachelor nursing students from six institutions in the Netherlands (response rate 81%) took part in the study. SCOPE is a 35-item scale containing: background variables, 11 measuring the affective component, 5 measuring community care perception as a placement, 17 as a future profession, and 2 on the reasons underlying student preference. Principal axis factoring yielded two factors in the affective component scale reflecting ‘enjoyment’ and ‘utility’, two in the placement scale reflecting ‘learning possibilities’ and ‘personal satisfaction’, and four in the profession scale: ‘professional development’, ‘collaboration’, ‘caregiving’, and ‘complexity and workload’. Cronbach’s α of the complete scale was .892 and of the subscales .862, .696, and .810 respectively. SCOPE is a psychometrically sound instrument for measuring students’ perceptions of community care. By determining these perceptions, it becomes possible to positively influence them with targeted curriculum redesign, eventually contributing to decreasing the workforce shortage in community nursing.