Personality characteristics of Dutch nurse anesthetists and surgical nurses when compared to the normative Dutch population, a quantitative survey study
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'The value of nurses in oncological prehabilitation.' a narrative review.
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Personality Characteristics of Dutch Perioperative Healthcare Professionals When Compared to the Normative Dutch Population
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EffectiveNess of a multimodal preHAbilitation program in patieNts with bladder canCEr undergoing radical cystectomy
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Education and training of nurses in the use of advanced medical technologies in home care related to patient safety: A cross-sectional survey
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Multi file
Pre-operative and post-operative recommendations to surgical wound care interventions
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The NUPHAC-EU Framework for Nurses’ Role in Interprofessional Pharmaceutical Care
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Preoperative and postoperative recommendations to surgical wound care interventions
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Understanding thermal comfort perception of nurses in a hospital ward workenvironment