This study explored what contributes to successful family foster care from the perspective of young people by asking them about their most positive memory of family foster care. Forty-four Dutch adolescents and young adults (aged 16–28) participated in this study and shared their most positive memory in a short interview. Their answers were qualitatively analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis, supplemented with an analysis of the structure of their memories. The thematic analysis resulted in the themes Belongingness, Receiving support, Normal family life, It is better than before, and Seeing yourself grow. The structural analysis showed that young people both shared memories related to specific events, as well as memories that portrayed how they felt for a prolonged period of time. In addition, young people were inclined to share negative memories alongside the positive memories. These results highlight that, in order to build a sense of belonging, it is important that of foster parents create a normal family environment for foster children and provide continuous support. Moreover, the negative memories shared by participants are discussed in light of a bias resulting from earlier traumatic experiences. Accepted Version. Published Version Article at Sage:
The present study presents a process evaluation of a performance psychology intervention for transitioning elite and elite musicians. The goal of the intervention was to provide participants with an amalgamation of evidence-informed principles, aimed to improve their quality of practice and performance preparation. The intervention consisted of an educational session followed by four workshops. In total, eight transitioning elite and seven elite musicians participated. Process measures included quantitative and qualitative workshop evaluations, monitoring logs, and semi-structured interviews. Overall, the intervention was evaluated positively by the participants. However, differences were present between the groups, with the elite musicians typically evaluating the intervention more favorably compared to the transitioning elites. Specific positive outcomes included an increased awareness and re-examining of current practice strategies, more structured and goal-directed practice, increased practice efficiency and focus, a more proactive approach to performances, and increased attention for the physical aspects of playing. Moreover, a number of contextual considerations and implementation challenges became evident. Important implications for performance psychology interventions and practitioners in music are discussed.
The section - Travel Psychology - contains 3 chapters. Chapter 1 starts by listing different types of travel constraints facing all citizens. For travelers who negotiate their travel constraints and are able to travel, two seminal models for tourism motivations are reviewed. First, the pull and push factors are mentioned along with examples. In a second model, travel motivations are categorized into traveling to gain something and, travelling to get away from something.After reviewing various travel constraints and motivations, Chapter 1 continues by discussing how travelers’ mood and tendencies at any given time could affect the type of travel destination they pursue – historical vs. natural vs. manmade; warm vs. cold; urban vs. country; crowded vs. quiet; familiar vs. novel vs arousing; and, the type of experiences and activities travelers pursue on their vacation. Also, the relationship between less dynamic personality traits and travel decision-makings are discussed: who to travel with, where to stay, what to do; perceived risks; and information seeking behavior. Chapter 1 ends by discussing how travel service providers could play a significant role in helping customers make more informed and authentic decisions that would eventually feed their psychological needs, wants, and wellbeing. This wellbeing perspective to travel is contrasted with a service quality and money-driven perspective in tourism industry and research. Chapter 2 starts by reviewing the fundamentals of the science of positive psychology, defining wellbeing, happiness, and quality of life, and how tourism could be accounted as one element linked to all the above. A page is dedicated to memorable tourism experiences and its different dimensions such as hedonic and eudaimonic experiences, and how some of these memorable experiences positively impact travelers’ subjective wellbeing. In the core of chapter 2, travelers’ diverse needs are discussed under: (a) physiological needs such as quality and attractive local food and drinks, physical activity, and adequate sleep on vacations; (b) mental needs including topics such as expressing emotions before, during, and after vacation, causes and fluctuations of emotions; mood regulations on vacations; mindfulness; technology use; stress recovery mechanisms during vacations namely relaxation, detachment, control, mastery; and optimal challenge and flow states for individuals and group of travelers; (c) interpersonal needs of the traveler including interaction with host community, service providers, and other travelers, e.g., joint experiences of romantic partners and family members. Throughout chapter 2, how service providers and experience designers could more effectively monitor, identify, and address these physiological, mental, and social needs are thoroughly discussed. Moreover, evidence and research-based travel tips are offered to general travelers for observing, attending to, appreciating, and enhancing positive emotions during the anticipation phase of a vacation, during the actual trip, on the way home, and up to two weeks post-vacation. A small section at the end of Chapter 2 is devoted to the psychology of holidays and staycations for employees with stressful jobs. Chapter 3 discusses how small occasions during vacations can accumulate and sometimes have long-term psychological effects on travelers. This chapter reviews the psychological of souvenirs, savoring, and photography on vacations. It continues by talking about the concepts of self-awareness, learning, growth, meaning and transformation, related to vacations, using examples. Chapter 3 ends by encouraging travel planners and designers to invest in long-term benefits of vacations.This handbook contains a total of 42 chapters on a range of topics aimed at educating employees at tourism service providers in Iran. This book is in press and distribution, and will be the official source for the national exam for the national travel agency certification in Iran. Topics of this book include the following: tour design and operations, travel psychology, air travel, tour marketing, human resource management, accounting, travel technology, travel start-ups, strategic management, and ethics.
De robot assistent is een nieuwe, veelbelovende technologie om docenten te ondersteunen en leerprestaties te verbeteren. Echter, een moreel kader voor een aanvaardbare inzet van zulke robots mist nog.Doel Het doel van dit project is, het creëren van een richtlijn, in samenwerking met stakeholders, voor het toepassen van robots in het basisonderwijs op een moreel verantwoorde manier. Resultaten Het hoofddoel van dit project is het creëren van een richtlijn voor het moreel verantwoord toepassen van sociale robots in het Nederlandse basisonderwijs. Deze richtlijn kan worden gebruikt door alle belangrijke belanghebbenden, zoals leraren, robotbedrijven en schoolbesturen, bij het nemen van beslissingen over het ontwerpen, bouwen en toepassen van sociale robots. Looptijd 01 november 2017 - 01 november 2021 Aanpak Dit project maakt gebruik van de Value Sensitive Design Methodology. Ten eerste voeren we een grootschalig systematisch literatuuronderzoek uit om de relevante morele waarden te identificeren. Daarna houden we focusgroepsessies met belanghebbenden om deze waarden verder te conceptualiseren. Op basis van de focusgroepsessies zullen we een enquête ontwikkelen om kwantitatieve gegevens over de stakeholderperspectieven te verkrijgen. Deze onderzoeken vormen de basis voor de richtlijnen. Extra informatie Stel je voor: een robot die de leerkracht helpt in de klas. Interview met Matthijs Smakman voor De Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (NWA) Relevantie Bijdrage aan de wetenschap Meerdere studies benadrukken de dringende behoefte aan ethische reflectie en richtlijnen voor robotleraren en theoretisch integratie van de tot dusver bekende, gefragmenteerde resultaten. Dit promotieonderzoek beoogt dit te doen door het ontwikkelen van een nieuwe moraaltheorie over de ethische opvattingen die verbonden zijn aan de implementatie van robotleraren, en test de theoretische aannames empirisch. De resultaten zullen worden verspreid op wetenschappelijke conferenties, debatten en in tijdschriftpublicaties. Bijdrage aan de samenleving De angst en implicaties van intelligente robots die banen overnemen, maakt deel uit van een internationaal debat (Brynjolfsson & McAfree, 2016) en zal een grote impact hebben op de taken van docenten. Robotleraren zijn een perfecte kandidaat om te helpen leraren in hun toenemende werkdruk. Er moet echter voorzichtig worden omgegaan met het introduceren van robotleraren in het klas. Dit doctoraatsonderzoek erkent de morele overwegingen en zorgt voor de nodige theoretische basis om een richtlijn te ontwikkelen voor de implementatie van robotleraren op een moreel gepaste manier. De resultaten wordt via websites, videoclips en maatschappelijke debatten aan het publiek getoond. Co-financiering Dit onderzoek is gefinancierd door NWO, Promotiebeurs voor Leraren, projectnumer: 023.00.066 Aanvullende documenten en doorverwijzingen Publicaties Smakman, M.H.J.; Konijn, E.A.; Vogt, P.; Pankowska, P. Attitudes towards Social Robots in Education: Enthusiast, Practical, Troubled, Sceptic, and Mindfully Positive. Robotics 2021, 10, 24. Smakman, M., Berket, J., Konijn, E. A. (2020, October). The Impact of Social Robots in Education: Moral Considerations of Dutch Educational Policymakers. In 2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) (pp. 647-652). IEEE. Van Ewijk, G., Smakman, M., & Konijn, E. A. (2020, June). Teacher's perspectives on social robots in education: an exploratory case study. In Proceedings of the Interaction Design and Children Conference (pp. 273-280). Konijn, E.A., Smakman, M. & van den Berghe, R. (2020). Use of Robots in Education. In: van den Bulck, J., Sharrer, E., Ewoldsen, D. & Mares, M-L. (Eds). The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. Wiley Publisher Smakman, M., Jansen, B., Leunen, J., & Konijn, E. (2020) Acceptable Social Robots in Education: A Value Sensitive Parent Perspective. In INTED2020 Proceedings (pp 7946-7953). Smakman M., Konijn E.A. (2020) Robot Tutors: Welcome or Ethically Questionable?. In: Merdan M., Lepuschitz W., Koppensteiner G., Balogh R., Obdržálek D. (eds) Robotics in Education. RiE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1023. Springer, Cham Goudzwaard, M., Smakman, M., & Konijn, E. A. (2019). Robots are Good for Profit: A Business Perspective on Robots in Education. 2019 Joint IEEE 9th International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL- EpiRob), 54–60. Video Stel je voor: een robot die de leerkracht helpt in de klas