There are lots of definitions of quality, and also of quality in education. Garvin (1984)discerns five approaches: the transcendental approach, the product-oriented approach, the customeroriented approach, the manufacturing-oriented approach and the value-for-money approach. Harvey and Green (1993) give five interrelated concepts of quality as: exceptional, perfection (or consistency), fitness for purpose, value for money and transformative. A new definition of quality is needed to explain recent quality issues in higher education. This article describes a quality concept with four constituents: object, standard, subject and values. The article elaborates on the values. Four value systems derived from Beck and Cowan (1996) are transformed into four value systems on quality and quality management: control, continuous improvement, commitment and breakthrough. These value systems make it possible to explain some recent developments in quality management in higher education.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the evolution of “folk” understandings of quality in higher hospitality education and the consequent implications of these understandings for current quality concerns in the field. Design/methodology/approach – The paper combines a historical survey of the stated topic together with an analysis of how the evolution of higher hospitality education provides insight into current issues and problems in the subject area. Findings – The paper suggests that only by thoroughly comprehending the past development of higher hospitality education is it possible to accurately map the field’s current travails and diagnose likely future trends. Practical implications – The paper outlines the implications of current understandings of quality in hospitality education for its future development and provision. Originality/value – The originality and value of this paper lie in its identification of the principal trends that contribute to understanding of current perceptions of the quality of higher hospitality education.
In dit project zal een online onderwijsmodule worden ontworpen. In deze module zal een deel van de output van het project Bouwen met Levende Natuur worden verwerkt tot onderwijs. Het maken van online course materiaal binnen de HZ onderwijsonwikkeling, waar zowel echte casuistiek uit de de beroepspraktijk, als gebruik van ICT mogelijkheden centraal staan. Door de modulaire opbouw zal het mogelijk zijn onderdelen in verschillende courses te verwerken. De docent kan dan de module naar eigen wens, en onafhankelijk van de beschikbaarheid van interne of externe gastdocenten, inzetten voor ‘blended learning’. De benadering binnen de learning unit(s) volgt het constructivisme, activiteiten die te maken hebben met kennisoverdracht, zullen derhalve worden afgewisseld met verwerkingsopdrachten. De volledige onderwijsmodule richt zich vooral op onderwijs op het gebied van Coastal Engineering van de opleiding Civiele Techniek (CT), in eerste instantie van de Delta Academy; CT studenten blijken behoefte te hebben aan een uitleg van ecologische principes vanuit vanuit een meer technisch perspectief. De learning units/onderwijsmodule is uiteraard ook beschikbaar voor andere hbo opleidingen. Het geselecteerde gedeelte, de eerste learning unit, zal ook bruikbaar zijn voor de course Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), waarin oa het concept Building with Nature wordt uitgelegd. In de huidige vorm wordt dit onderdeel op de klassieke manier gebracht, in de vorm van een hoorcollege. De ontwikkeling van online materiaal maakt de afwisseling met het verwerken van de aangebrachte kennis eenvoudiger; de structuur daarvoor wordt in de online versie al aangebracht. Deze learning unit brengt niet alleen wat aanvullende benaderingen vanuit technisch perspectief, maar is ook een aanpassing, die het geheel hestructureert volgens het constructivisme. De course ICZM is een keuze-course, bedoeld voor Aquatische Ecotechnologie (AET), Delta Management (DM) en CT studenten; waar CT studenten meer behoefte hebben aan een technisch perspectief, heeft deze course ook te maken met DM studenten, die juist wat meer kennis zouden moeten maken met meer technische benaderingen.
Gender barriers are a complex problem, as they are created and maintained by multiple dimensions of our societal system; governments, the corporate world, and by society itself. Within the hospitality industry, one of the most people-oriented sectors there is, gender barriers are especially a problem. Although there is equality amongst the entire Dutch hospitality sector in general (48.2% women, (CBS, 2022)), only 17% of top-management positions within the 5 largest hotel-chains in the country are occupied by women (Hampshire Hotel Group, 2022; Accor Group, 2022; van der Valk International, 2022; NH Hotels, 2022; NIBC, 2022). With the hospitality industry revolving around people and experiences, it is of utmost importance that it represents the actual world-population and society. In order to address the current challenges the industry is facing, it is time to face the elephant in the room; why don’t women get included in top and senior management within the hospitality industry as much as men do? This trajectory aims to identify where gender barriers occur within the Dutch hospitality industry and accordingly develop, and test interventions (enablers) together with two of the largest hotel-chains in the Netherlands, in order to improve women career advancement. The first phases of the trajectory will focus on the entire Dutch hotel sector, while the intervention phase will only be executed in collaboration with NH Hotels and IHG. The final phase of the trajectory will explore the implications of the findings from the industry to hospitality management education. By enabling more women to advance their hospitality careers, this will have a large impact on the industry’s sustainability and resilience, and again positively impact wider society.
Human kind has a major impact on the state of life on Earth, mainly caused by habitat destruction, fragmentation and pollution related to agricultural land use and industrialization. Biodiversity is dominated by insects (~50%). Insects are vital for ecosystems through ecosystem engineering and controlling properties, such as soil formation and nutrient cycling, pollination, and in food webs as prey or controlling predator or parasite. Reducing insect diversity reduces resilience of ecosystems and increases risks of non-performance in soil fertility, pollination and pest suppression. Insects are under threat. Worldwide 41 % of insect species are in decline, 33% species threatened with extinction, and a co-occurring insect biomass loss of 2.5% per year. In Germany, insect biomass in natural areas surrounded by agriculture was reduced by 76% in 27 years. Nature inclusive agriculture and agri-environmental schemes aim to mitigate these kinds of effects. Protection measures need success indicators. Insects are excellent for biodiversity assessments, even with small landscape adaptations. Measuring insect biodiversity however is not easy. We aim to use new automated recognition techniques by machine learning with neural networks, to produce algorithms for fast and insightful insect diversity indexes. Biodiversity can be measured by indicative species (groups). We use three groups: 1) Carabid beetles (are top predators); 2) Moths (relation with host plants); 3) Flying insects (multiple functions in ecosystems, e.g. parasitism). The project wants to design user-friendly farmer/citizen science biodiversity measurements with machine learning, and use these in comparative research in 3 real life cases as proof of concept: 1) effects of agriculture on insects in hedgerows, 2) effects of different commercial crop production systems on insects, 3) effects of flower richness in crops and grassland on insects, all measured with natural reference situations