Het tweejarige onderzoeksprogramma The Network is the Message richt zich op de effectiviteit van sociale media: wanneer zijn sociale media effectief, wat bepaalt die effectiviteit en hoe kunnen we dit meten? Startpunt in deze management summary van thema 2 ‘meten is nog niet weten’ is het inzicht dat het allemaal begint met doelstellingen. Doelstellingen zijn van essentieel belang om te kunnen bepalen of je succes hebt of niet. En bij doelstellingen horen Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), met een set zorgvuldig geselecteerde metrics die de beste bijdrage leveren om die doelstellingen in kaart te brengen. Op die manier kun je ook bepalen of je je tijd en middelen goed inzet en je misschien effectiever zou zijn deze door deze anders te verdelen.
Developers of charging infrastructure, be it public or private parties, are highly dependent on accurate utilization data in order to make informed decisions where and when to expand charging points. The Amsterdam The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in close cooperation with the municipalities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and the metropolitan region of Amsterdam developed both the back- and front-end of a decision support tool. This paper describes the design of the decision support tool and its DataWareHouse architecture. The back-end is based on a monthly update of charging data with Charge point Detail Records and Meter Values enriched with location specific data. The design of the front-end is based on Key Performance Indicators used in the decision process for charging infrastructure roll-out. Implementing this design and DataWareHouse architecture allows all kinds of EV related companies and cities to start monitoring their charging infrastructure. It provides an overview of how the most important KPIs are being monitored and represented in the decision support tool based on regular interviews and decision processes followed by four major cities and a metropolitan region in the Netherlands.
Developers of charging infrastructure, be it public or private parties, are highly dependent on accurate utilization data in order to make informed decisions where and when to expand charging points. The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, in close cooperation with the municipalities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, and the Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam Electric, developed both the back- and front-end of a charging infrastructure assessment platform that processes and represents real-life charging data. Charging infrastructure planning and design methods described in the literature use geographic information system data, traffic flow data of non-EV vehicles, or geographical distributions of, for example, refueling stations for combustion engine vehicles. Only limited methods apply real-life charging data. Rolling out public charging infrastructure is a balancing act between stimulating the transition to zero-emission transport by enabling (candidate) EV drivers to charge, and limiting costly investments in public charging infrastructure. Five key performance indicators for charging infrastructure utilization are derived from literature, workshops, and discussions with practitioners. The paper describes the Data Warehouse architecture designed for processing large amounts of charging data, and the web-based assessment platform by which practitioners get access to relevant knowledge and information about the current performance of existing charging infrastructure represented by the key performance indicators developed. The platform allows stakeholders in the decision-making process of charging point installation to make informed decisions on where and how to expand the already existing charging infrastructure. The results are generalizable beyond the case study regions in the Netherlands and can serve the roll-out of charging infrastructure, both public and semi-public, all over the world.