Blended treatment – a combination of web-based and face-to-face therapy – is a promising eHealth service, supposedl combining “the best of both worlds”: the strengths of one mode of delivery may compensate for the weaknesses of the other.
Cervical dystonia is the most frequent form of focal dystonia. Symptoms often result in pain and functional disability. Local injections of botulinum neurotoxin are currently the treatment of choice for cervical dystonia. Although this treatment has proven effective and is widely applied worldwide, many issues still remain open in the clinical practice. We performed a systematic review of the literature on botulinum toxin treatment for cervical dystonia based on a question-oriented approach, with the aim to provide practical recommendations for the treating clinicians. Key-questions from the clinical practice were explored. Results suggest that while the beneficial effect of botulinum toxin treatment on different aspects of cervical dystonia is well established, robust evidence is still missing concerning some practical aspects, such as doseequivalence between different formulations, optimal treatment intervals, treatment approaches, and the use of supportive techniques including electromyography (EMG) or ultrasounds. Established strategies to prevent or manage common side effects (including excessive muscle weakness, pain at injection site, dysphagia) and potential contraindications to this treatment (pregnancy and lactation, use of anticoagulants, neurological comorbidities) should also be further explored.
Background: Recent theoretical models emphasize the role of impulsive processes in alcohol addiction, which can be retrained with computerized Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) training. In this study, the focus is on action tendencies that are activated relatively automatically. Objective: The aim of the study is to examine the effectiveness of online CBM Alcohol Avoidance Training using an adapted Approach-Avoidance Task as a supplement to treatment as usual (TAU) in an outpatient treatment setting. Methods: The effectiveness of 8 online sessions of CBM Alcohol Avoidance Training added to TAU is tested in a double-blind, randomized controlled trial with pre- and postassessments, plus follow-up assessments after 3 and 6 months. Participants are adult patients (age 18 years or over) currently following Web-based or face-to-face TAU to reduce or stop drinking. These patients are randomly assigned to a CBM Alcohol Avoidance or a placebo training. The primary outcome measure is a reduction in alcohol consumption. We hypothesize that TAU + CBM will result in up to a 13-percentage point incremental effect in the number of patients reaching the safe drinking guidelines compared to TAU + placebo CBM. Secondary outcome measures include an improvement in health status and a decrease in depression, anxiety, stress, and possible mediation by the change in approach bias. Finally, patients’ adherence, acceptability, and credibility will be examined. Results: The trial was funded in 2014 and is currently in the active participant recruitment phase (since May 2015). Enrolment will be completed in 2019. First results are expected to be submitted for publication in 2020. Conclusions: The main purpose of this study is to increase our knowledge about the added value of online Alcohol Avoidance Training as a supplement to TAU in an outpatient treatment setting. If the added effectiveness of the training is proven, the next step could be to incorporate the intervention into current treatment.
Aanleiding Sinds kort nemen zorgprofessionals en onderzoekers in Nederland initiatieven om mensen met een licht verstandelijke beperking (LVB) zo lang mogelijk te laten functioneren in de eigen thuissituatie. Een manier om dit te doen is de inzet van zogenoemde Functional Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) teams. Deze teams gebruiken voornamelijk verbale interventies. Maar mensen met een LVB hebben moeite met het verwerken van verbale informatie. Vaktherapie kan juist met non-verbale en ervaringsgerichte methodieken goed aansluiten bij deze groep. Dit innovatieprogramma richt zich op de vraag van vaktherapeuten hoe en in welke vorm zij, in of rondom FACT LVB-teams, mensen met een LVB kunnen helpen. Doelstelling Het doel van de deelnemers aan het project is de zorg en ondersteuning van mensen met een LVB in de eigen thuissituatie (buurt/wijk) te verbeteren. Liefst zodanig dat deze mensen minder vaak hoeven te worden (her)opgenomen in een behandelcentrum. Het doel van het project is om de meerwaarde vast te stellen van de inzet van vaktherapie in of rondom FACT LVB teams bij het realiseren van deze ambitie. Het project is gefaseerd opgebouwd. In de eerste fase worden de vaktherapeutische behandelvormen bepaald. Vervolgens worden efficiënte interprofessionele werkwijzen en een vaktherapeutische behandel- & ondersteuningsroute vastgesteld, en ten slotte wordt het project geëvalueerd. Beoogde resultaten Het project biedt resulteert in een handreiking voor professionals om interprofessioneel samen te werken in de wijk voor mensen met LVB. Binnen het onderwijs levert het project een bijdrage aan een minor 'Wijkgerichte zorg & ondersteuning'. Het biedt een leerwerkplaats LVB voor studenten vaktherapie en aanpalende gebieden. De handreiking wordt geïmplementeerd in de opleidingen die opleiden tot vaktherapeut. Zogenaamde 'battles', waarin interprofessioneel samenwerken aan problemen vanuit de praktijk en het beste idee bekroond wordt met een stimuleringsprijs, zorgen voor verdere ontwikkeling. Publicaties in vakliteratuur zorgen voor verspreiding van de projectresultaten. De deelnemers aan het project zullen aansluiting zoeken bij symposia - regionaal, nationaal en internationaal - en bijeenkomsten buiten en binnen het netwerk om de resultaten aan een breed publiek te presenteren.
Recycling of plastics plays an important role to reach a climate neutral industry. To come to a sustainable circular use of materials, it is important that recycled plastics can be used for comparable (or ugraded) applications as their original use. QuinLyte innovated a material that can reach this goal. SmartAgain® is a material that is obtained by recycling of high-barrier multilayer films and which maintains its properties after mechanical recycling. It opens the door for many applications, of which the production of a scoliosis brace is a typical example from the medical field. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine and wearing an orthopedic brace is the common non-invasive treatment to reduce the likelihood of spinal fusion surgery later. The traditional way to make such brace is inaccurate, messy, time- and money-consuming. Because of its nearly unlimited design freedom, 3D FDM-printing is regarded as the ultimate sustainable technique for producing such brace. From a materials point of view, SmartAgain® has the good fit with the mechanical property requirements of scoliosis braces. However, its fast crystallization rate often plays against the FDM-printing process, for example can cause poor layer-layer adhesion. Only when this problem is solved, a reliable brace which is strong, tough, and light weight could be printed via FDM-printing. Zuyd University of Applied Science has, in close collaboration with Maastricht University, built thorough knowledge on tuning crystallization kinetics with the temperature development during printing, resulting in printed products with improved layer-layer adhesion. Because of this knowledge and experience on developing materials for 3D printing, QuinLyte contacted Zuyd to develop a strategy for printing a wearable scoliosis brace of SmartAgain®. In the future a range of other tailor-made products can be envisioned. Thus, the project is in line with the GoChem-themes: raw materials from recycling, 3D printing and upcycling.
Due to the existing pressure for a more rational use of the water, many public managers and industries have to re-think/adapt their processes towards a more circular approach. Such pressure is even more critical in the Rio Doce region, Minas Gerais, due to the large environmental accident occurred in 2015. Cenibra (pulp mill) is an example of such industries due to the fact that it is situated in the river basin and that it has a water demanding process. The current proposal is meant as an academic and engineering study to propose possible solutions to decrease the total water consumption of the mill and, thus, decrease the total stress on the Rio Doce basin. The work will be divided in three working packages, namely: (i) evaluation (modelling) of the mill process and water balance (ii) application and operation of a pilot scale wastewater treatment plant (iii) analysis of the impacts caused by the improvement of the process. The second work package will also be conducted (in parallel) with a lab scale setup in The Netherlands to allow fast adjustments and broaden evaluation of the setup/process performance. The actions will focus on reducing the mill total water consumption in 20%.