Mental health is important for business. In the 21st century the mental health and well-being of your employees is crucial to the success of your organisation. But, how should you as an employer start to address mental health issues in your workplace? And what activities and policies do you need to set in place? In a European campaign work. in tune with life. move europe, the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion (ENWHP) has taken the initiative to help promote mental health in workplaces. This mental health promotion campaign aims to raise awareness amongst both employers and employees
Jongeren ervaren in toenemende mate schoolstress en prestatiedruk. Een deel van hen kan hierdoor (tijdelijk) niet naar school, zoals blijkt uit een groeiend aantal verzuimmeldingen en thuiszitters. In sommige gevallen lopen de problemen zo hoog op dat er jeugdhulp nodig is. Het onderzoeksproject Mentaal Kapitaal van de Regionale Kenniswerkplaats Jeugd en Gezin Centraal heeft als doel kennis te vergroten omtrent de oorzaken en oplossingsrichtingen voor deze schoolgerelateerde problematiek. In dit rapport worden de bevindingen van de eerste deelstudie beschreven, waarin werd onderzocht welke risico- en beschermende factoren een rol spelen bij ongezonde schoolstress, prestatiedruk, schoolverzuim/thuiszitten en schooluitval.
Despite the efforts of governments and firms, the construction industry is trailing other industries in labour productivity. Construction companies are interested in increasing their labour productivity, particularly when demand grows and construction firms cope with labour shortages. Off-site construction has proved to be a favourable policy to increase labour productivity. However, a complete understanding of the factors affecting construction labour productivity is lacking, and it is unclear which factors are influenced by off-site construction. This study developed a conceptual model describing how 15 factors influence the construction process and make a difference in labour productivity between off-site and on-site construction. The conceptual model shows that all 15 factors affect labour productivity in three ways: through direct effects, indirect effects and causal loops. The model is a starting point for further research to determine the impact of off-site construction on labour productivity.