Technology, data use, and digitisation are based on mathematical structures, and this permeates many aspects of our daily lives: apps, online activities, and all kinds of communication. Equipping people to deal with this mathematisation of society is a big challenge. Which competences are needed, which skills must be mastered? Which dispositions are helpful? These are the questions that matter in the development of adult education. The concept of numeracy is mentioned already for many years as a possible useful approach to equip adults with the necessary skills. In this paper we will argue that is only true when numeracy is defined as a multifaceted concept which combines knowledges, skills, higher order skills, context and dispositions.
We are well into the 21st century now and the urgency for lifelong learning is growing especially regarding numeracy. There are major societal and policy pressures on education to prepare citizens for a complex and technologized society, in literature referred to as “21st century skills” (Voogt & ParejaRoblin, 2012), “global competences” (OECD, 2016a) or “the 4th industrial revolution” (Schwab, 2016). International research has demonstrated the economic and social value of literacy and numeracy knowledge and skills (Hanushek and Wöbmann, 2012; Grotlüschen, et al. 2016). With respect to numeracy (and/or mathematics) education, we explore the implications of these pressures to the mathematical demands at individuals living and working in modern life, and what is expected from numeracy education as society moves further into the 21st century. New means of communication and types of services have changed the way individuals interact with governments, institutions, services and each other, and social and economic transformations have in turn, changed the nature of the demand for skills as well.
In this chapter, I look back at the implementation of W12-16, a major reform of mathematics education in the lower grades of general secondary education and pre-vocational secondary education in the Netherlands including all students aged 12–16. The nationwide implementation of W12-16 started in 1990 and envisioned a major change in what and how mathematics was taught and learned. The content was broadened from algebra and geometry to algebra, geometry and measurement, numeracy, and data processing and statistics. The learning trajectories and the instruction theory were based on the ideas of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME): the primary processes used in the classroom were to be guided re-invention and problem solving. ‘Ensuring usability’ in the title of this chapter refers to the aim of the content being useful and understandable for all students, but also to the involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the implementation project, including teachers, students, parents, editors, curriculum and assessment developers, teacher educators, publishers, media and policy makers. Finally, I reflect on the current state of affairs more than 20 years after the nationwide introduction. The main questions to be asked are: Have the goals been reached? Was the implementation successful?