Service of SURF
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In Antenne Amsterdam wordt sinds 1993 jaarlijks het gebruik vanalcohol, tabak, cannabis en andere drugs in de hoofdstad in kaartgebracht. Dit gebeurt op basis van een combinatie van kwalitatieveen kwantitatieve methoden. In 2022 verzamelden we informatie via(1) interviews met een 24-koppig uitgaanspanel die vanuit insidersperspectief of vanuit hun rol als locatiemanager, organisator ofsecurity vertellen over het trendsettende uitgaansleven; (2) interviewsmet een panel kwetsbare jeugd waarin zes professionals zijnvertegenwoordigd die met buurtjongeren werken; (3) een anoniemesurvey (vragenlijsten) over middelengebruik bij 246 club- enfestivalbezoekers; en (4) analyse van testuitslagen van vijfduizendvrijwillig aangeleverde drugsmonsters bij de Amsterdamse testservices.Hoewel het jaar nog van start ging in een lockdown, werden demaatregelen in de loop van januari al versoepeld en in februarigrotendeels afgeschaft. Na twee zomers zonder festivals, draait hetgehele uitgaansleven in 2022 weer op volle toeren. Dit rapport schetstvanuit verschillende bronnen wat dat betekende voor gebruikspatronen en trends in de Amsterdamse wereld van genotmiddelen.Een wereld waarin alcohol alom aanwezig is, maar rokers in deminderheid raken. En waarin ecstasy weer favoriet is, maar nietiedereen feest met drugs.
As in many other countries worldwide, the coronavirus pandemic prompted the implementation of an “intelligent lockdown” in the spring of 2020 in the Netherlands, including the closure of nightlife venues and cancellation of festivals. Such restrictions and social distancing could particularly affect people who use alcohol or other drugs in recreational settings and give rise to new challenges and additional needs in the field of addiction prevention and care. To monitor changes in substance use and provide services with practical directions for tailored prevention, an anonymous web survey was set up, targeting a convenience sample aged 16 years or older through various social media and other online channels. Between May and October 2020, a total of 6,070 participants completed the survey, mainly adolescents and young adults (16–24 years old). These data were used to explore and describe changing patterns in substance use. Overall results showed declined current use compared to “pre-corona,” but mask underlying variation in changing patterns, including discontinued (tobacco 10.4%, alcohol 11.3%, cannabis 16.3%, other drugs 30.4%), decreased (tobacco 23.0%, alcohol 29.1%, cannabis 17.4%, other drugs 20.7%), unchanged (tobacco 30.3%, alcohol 21.2%, cannabis 22.3%, other drugs 17.3%), increased (tobacco 29.6%, alcohol 32.1%, cannabis 32.9%, other drugs 25.3%), and (re)commenced use (tobacco 6.7%, alcohol 6.3%, cannabis 11.1%, other drugs 6.2%). Especially the use of drugs like ecstasy and nitrous oxide was discontinued or decreased due to the lack of social occasions for use. Increased use was associated with coping motives for all substance types. As measures combatting the coronavirus may need to be practiced for some time to come, possibly leading to prolonged changes in substance use with lingering “post-corona” consequences, timely and ongoing monitoring of changing patterns of substance use is vital for informing prevention services within this field.