This is the report on the situation in the Netherlands in the field of youth, young homeless people and unaccompanied minor aliens. The report describes risk factors for children and young people in relation to social exclusion and homelessness. This report forms the first part of the international comparative study ‘CSEYHP’. MOVISIE carries out this three-year study by order of the European Union. The cooperative partners are three universities in: England, the Czech Republic and Portugal. The objectives of ‘Combating Youth Homelessness’ are as follows: 1. to understand the life trajectories of different homeless youth populations in different national contexts; 2. to develop the concepts of risk and social exclusion in relation to the experience of young homeless people and to the reinsertion process; 3. to test how different methods of working contribute to the reinsertion process for young people; 4. to investigate the roles of and relationships between the young person, trusted adults, lead professionals, peer mentors and family members in the delivery of these programmes across all four countries. When preparing the national reports, the three partner countries the Czech Republic, England and Portugal use the same format as used in the Dutch report. Based on the four national reports, England will prepare a comparative report, in which the four national situations will be compared.
In this chapter the autor explores the contours and possible effects of the WMO for the local government level. First she gives a short overview of the main features of the WMO (PAR. 2.5). Then she describes the challenges that local government is confronted with, especially the political decisions that have to be taken at the local level (PAR. 2.3). The question to be answered is whether or not the WMO means an impulse for local democracy in the Netherlands. To that purpose, two quick comparisons are made (PAR. 2.4): with other decentralisation operations in the Netherlands, and with the decentralisation of social care and welfare in Sweden. These comparisons make it possible to determine two main conditions for creating an impulse for local politics, which are presented in PAR. 2.5. The article ends by some concluding remarks on the effect of the WMO on the local democracy in the Netherlands.
Met de introductie van het begrip ‘nieuwe professional’ wordt aangezet tot een andere manier vandenken over en door professionals. Door deze nieuwe manier van denken worden er andere eisengesteld aan zorg- en welzijnswerkers. Het debat over deze andere eisen kan betrekkelijk nieuwe professionals als zorgboeren mogelijk tekort doen. De intrinsieke waarde die de zorgboerderij als welzijnsaanbod heeft, wordt als gevolg van de transitie mogelijk ook afgemeten aan de hand van de acht bakens (kenmerken) waarlangs het profiel van de ‘nieuwe professional’ wordt ontwikkeld. De zorgboer moet zich met zijn kwaliteiten juist onderscheiden van de reguliere zorg- en welzijnsprofessional