Differences in the oscillatory EEG dynamics of reading open class (OC) and closed class (CC) words have previously been found (Bastiaansen et al., 2005) and are thought to reflect differences in lexical-semantic content between these word classes. In particu-lar, the theta-band (4-7 Hz) seems to play a prominent role in lexical-semantic retrieval. We tested whether this theta effect is robust in an older population of subjects. Additionally, we examined how the context of a word can modulate the oscillatory dynamics underly-ing retrieval for the two different classes of words. Older participants (mean age 55) read words presented in either syntactically correct sentences or in a scrambled order ("scram-bled sentence") while their EEG was recorded. We performed time-frequency analysis to examine how power varied based on the context or class of the word. We observed larger power decreases in the alpha (8-12 Hz) band between 200-700 ms for the OC compared to CC words, but this was true only for the scrambled sentence context. We did not observe differences in theta power between these conditions. Context exerted an effect on the alpha and low beta (13-18 Hz) bands between 0 and 700 ms. These results suggest that the previously observed word class effects on theta power changes in a younger participant sample do not seem to be a robust effect in this older population. Though this is an indi-rect comparison between studies, it may suggest the existence of aging effects on word retrieval dynamics for different populations. Additionally, the interaction between word class and context suggests that word retrieval mechanisms interact with sentence-level comprehension mechanisms in the alpha-band.
Dutch National Sports Organizations (NSFs) is currently experiencing financial pressures. Two indications for this are described in this paper i.e. increased competition in the sports sector and changes in subsidy division. Decreasing incomes from subsidies can be compensated with either increasing incomes from a commercial domain or increasing incomes from member contributions. This latter solution is gaining interest as a solution for the uncertainties. Many NSFs have therefore participated in a special marketing program in order to enlarge their marketing awareness and create a marketing strategy, in order to (re)win market share on the sports participation market and gain a more stable financial situation. This paper introduces my research related to the introduction of marketing techniques within NSFs and the change-over to become market oriented. An overview of existing literature about creating marketing strategies, their implementation, and market orientation is given. This outline makes obvious that the existing literature is not sufficient for studying the implementation of marketing techniques and market orientation within NSFs. Therefore, it shows the scientific relevance of my research. The paper concludes with the chosen research methodology.
This paper analyzes the application of PRINCE2® in a multivendor outsourcing context. Given the ongoing trend in large and middle-sized organizations to outsource part of their IT operations it is relevant and important to understand the effect of this trend on the way projects can be managed. Based on an analytical and qualitative approach, using an expert panel, the study provides identified three specific considerations for the management of projects in a multi vendor outsourcing context
Mode heeft een cruciale functie in de samenleving: zij maakt diversiteit en inclusiviteit mogelijk en is een middel voor individuen om zich uit te drukken. Desalniettemin is mode ook een raadsel op het gebied van duurzaamheid, zowel aan de sociale als aan de milieukant. Er bestaan echter alternatieven voor de huidige praktijken in de mode. Dit project heeft tot doel de ontwikkeling van een van die initiatieven te ondersteunen. In samenwerking met twee Nederlandse MKB bedrijven in de mode-industrie, willen we een of meer business modellen co-designen voor het vermarkten van circulair ontworpen laser geprinte T-shirts. Door lasertechnologie te introduceren in plaats van traditionele inktopties, kunnen de T- shirts hun CO2 voetafdruk verder verkleinen en een verstandig alternatief zijn voor individuen, die op zoek zijn naar duurzame modekeuzes. Maar hoewel de technologische haalbaarheid vaststaat, vereist het vermarkten sterke, schaalbare, bedrijfsmodellen. Via een haalbaarheidsstudie willen we dergelijke businessmodellen ontwikkelen en de commercialisering van deze producten ondersteunen. Wij zijn van plan de reacties van de consument op een dergelijke innovatie te bestuderen, evenals de belemmeringen en stimulansen vanuit het oogpunt van de consument, en de inkoop-, toeleveringsketen- en financiële kwesties die kunnen voortvloeien uit de schaalbaarheid van een potentieel bedrijfsmodel. Om praktische relevantie voor de bredere industrie te verzekeren, streven we ernaar om de resultaten te presenteren op evenementen georganiseerd door een van de consortiumpartners (in 2023), als ook om een teaching case en een wetenschappelijk artikel te ontwikkelen op basis van de resultaten van het project.
In the context of sustainability, the use of biocatalysis in organic synthesis is increasingly observed as an essential tool towards a modern and ‘green’ chemical industry. However, the lack of a diverse set of commercially available enzymes with a broad selectivity toward industrially-relevant substrates keeps hampering the widespread implementation of biocatalysis. Aminoverse B.V. aims to contribute to this challenge by developing enzymatic screening kits and identifying novel enzyme families with significant potential for biocatalysis. One of the most important, yet notoriously challenging reaction in organic synthesis is site-selective functionalization (e.g. hydroxylation) of inert C-H bonds. Interestingly, Fe(II)/α-ketoglutarate-dependent oxygenases (KGOs) have been found to perform C-H hydroxylation, as well as other oxyfunctionalization, spontaneously in nature. However, as KGOs are not commercially available, or even extensively studied in this context, their potential is not readily accessible to the chemical industry. This project aims to demonstrate the potential of KGOs in biocatalysis. In order to achieve this, the following challenges will be addressed: i) establishing an enzymatic screening methodology to study the activity and selectivity of recombinant KGOs towards industrially relevant substrates, ii) establishing analytical methods to characterize KGO-catalyzed substrate conversion and product formation. Eventually, the proof-of-principle demonstrated during this project will allow Aminoverse B.V. to develop a commercial biocatalysis kit comprised of KGO enzymes with a diverse activity profile, allowing their application in the sustainable production of either commodity, fine or speciality chemicals. The project consortium is composed of: i) Aminoverse B.V, a start-up company dedicated to facilitate chemical partners towards implementing biocatalysis in their chemical processes, and ii) Zuyd University, which will link Aminoverse B.V. with students and (bio)chemical professionals in creating a novel collaboration which will not only stimulate the development of (bio)chemical students, but also the translation of academic knowledge on KGOs towards a feasible biocatalytic application.
Introduction The research group Biobased Resources & Energy (BRE) of Avans focusses on recovery of valuable building blocks from low-value solid and liquid residual streams from agriculture, households and industries. For the valorisation of these residual streams, BRE looks into different biological, chemical and mechanical processes. One of the main issues in the utilisation of residual streams is economic feasibility and the recovery of multiple resources from one residual stream. Using membrane technologies in combination with biological, chemical and/or mechanical processes could offer great opportunities. Central Research Question What is the applicability of membrane technologies for valorisation of different residual streams and is it possible to integrate membrane technology in current and new biorefining projects of research group BRE: Set-up In order to reach the goal of this postdoc, 4 research questions will be answered using literature search, experimentation and modelling: 1) What membrane methods are currently (commercially) available to enhance the results of current projects in research group BRE? 2) What are the essential technical parameters for membrane separation and how can these be optimized? 3) What is the economic impact of using membrane technology in recovery of valuable building blocks from residual streams? 4) What are the effects of using membranes instead of or complementary to currently used methods on the sustainability of valorisation of residual streams? Cooperation The postdoc and the research group BRE want to extend the contact and research cooperation with (regional) businesses and (applied) universities and support and facilitate the introduction and further development of membrane technologies in the curriculum of different Avans study programmes. This will be done via internships, minor projects (together with businesses) and development of study material for courses and trainings.