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Design en onderzoek zijn twee kennisgebieden die elk hun eigen tradities, methoden, standaarden en praktijken hebben. Deze twee werelden lijken behoorlijk gescheiden, waarbij onderzoekers onderzoeken wat er is en ontwerpers visualiseren wat er zou kunnen zijn. Dit boek slaat een brug tussen beide werelden door te laten zien hoe design en onderzoek geïntegreerd kunnen worden om een nieuw kennisveld te ontwikkelen. Dit boek bevat 22 inspirerende beschouwingen die laten zien hoe de unieke kwaliteiten van onderzoek (gericht op het bestuderen van het heden) en ontwerp (gericht op het ontwikkelen van de toekomst) gecombineerd kunnen worden. Dit boek laat zien dat de transdisciplinaire aanpak toepasbaar is in een veelheid van sectoren, variërend van gezondheidszorg, stedelijke planning, circulaire economie en de voedingsindustrie. Het boek bestaat uit vijf delen en biedt een scala aan illustratieve voorbeelden, ervaringen, methoden en interpretaties. Samen vormen ze het kenmerk van een mozaïek, waarbij elk stukje een deel van het complete plaatje bijdraagt en alle stukjes samen een veelzijdig perspectief bieden op wat toegepast ontwerponderzoek is, hoe het wordt geïmplementeerd en wat de lezer ervan kan verwachten.
From the article: The ‘Axiomatic Design Methodology’ uses ‘Axioms’ that cannot be proven nor derived from physical phenomena. The axioms serve as guidelines for the design process of products and systems. The latest contribution was the addition of the ‘Complexity Axiom’ in 1999. However, the underlying theory of complexity did not get much traction by designers and their managers yet. It emphasises difficulties in the design, not primarily focussing on solutions. The ‘Theory of Complexity’ is converted to a ‘Theory of Maturity’ in this paper. It is supported with a graphical way to plot maturity as it develops. It visualises the results in a way that can be understood by all entities in a company, engineers, managers, and executives. Understanding the maturity of a system enables selection of the right measures to control it. Visualisation enables communication between the interacting parties. If successful development trajectories are understood, eventually from earlier experience, even better corrective actions can be applied. The method appears an affirmative way to graphically represent progression in design, thus presenting advances in a positive context. Though positively presented, it is not the case that the method hides problems; presumed and legitimate project progression can be quite different, which challenges the designer to understand the process. In this way, the method sends out a continuous warning to stay critical on design choices made.
The gap between research and design practice has long been a concern for the HCI community. In this article, we explore how different translations of HCI knowledge might bridge this gap. A literature review characterizes the gap as having two key dimensions - one between general theory and particular artefacts and a second between academic HCI research and professional UX design practice. We report on a 5-year engagement between HCI researchers and a major media company to explore how a particular piece of HCI research, the trajectories conceptual framework, might be translated for and with UX practitioners. We present various translations of this framework and fit them into the gap we previously identified. This leads us to refine the idea of translations, suggesting that they may be led by researchers, by practitioners or co-produced by both as boundary objects. We consider the benefits of each approach.
The project Decolonising Education: from Teachers to Leading Learners (DETeLL) aims to develop a multi-site approach for interventions towards inclusion and decolonisation in order to change the hierarchical nature of higher education in the Netherlands. DETeLL identifies the model of the ‘traditional teacher’ as embodying the structural exclusions and discriminations built into the classroom and proposes the figure of a ‘Leading Learner’ as a first step towards a radical change in the educational system. In collaboration with the education departments in the Theatre and Dance Academy at ArtEZ, the post-doc will build up a research and teaching programme that engages with students and teachers in the faculty to create a prototype of an inclusive and diverse educational practice. RELEVANCE: Education should be the critical space in which changes occur in order to shape best possible futures. In DETeLL’s acceptation, decolonisation refers to a complete change in the way of thinking and behaving. It does not refer only to the urgency of dealing with historical colonial legacies embedded in society, but also to the subversion of the deeply oppressive colonial culture that (also unconsciously) regulates public and private living, whether this is related to gender, race, class or sexuality issues. RESULTS: 1) Create a theory and practice-based scientific base-line of decolonisation and art education; 2) Provide a definition of ‘Artist educator as Leading Learner’ following a practice- based methodology of intervention; 3) Design and Pilot a new teaching programme for theatre education at ArtEZ to be then upscaled to all educational departments in a follow-up project); 4) Produce a strong interdisciplinary and international output plan: 3 academic publications, 2 conferences, 4 expert group workshops. NETWORK: ArtEZ; University of Amsterdam (UvA); Ghent University; UCHRI; Hildesheim University; Cape Town University. The partners will serve as steering committee through planned expert group meetings.
Het project ‘Design Thinking bij Nationale Militaire Inzet Koninklijke Landmacht’- Fase1 (NMIKL fasse1) is gericht op nieuwe creatieve methoden om complexe vraagstukken van de Landmacht Nationale Inzet (LNI) op te lossen. Binnen het convenant tussen de Hogeschool Utrecht (HU) en LNI heeft LNI haar hulpvraag voorgelegd om de vele complexe vraagstukken van diverse aard te helpen oplossen. Het ontbreekt LNI aan een methode om de Inmiddels 75 benoemde complexe vraagstukken met ingewikkelde onderlinge relaties op te pakken. Dergelijke complexe vraagstukken worden ‘wicked problems’ genoemd. Ze bevatten gestapelde problematiek, zoals technologische uitdagingen, de factoren van duurzaamheid, klimaat en vergrijzing van de beroepsbevolking. Daar bovenop komt de toegenomen bedreiging van vrede in Europa. Om een gedegen vraagarticulatie voor de meest belangrijke LNI vraagstukken op te stellen, is een aanpak gewenst, die bij deze ‘wicked problems’ past. Suit-case (een HU-MKB-partner) is opgericht door TU Delft studenten, die gespecialiseerd zijn in het aanpakken van complexe vraagstukken met creatieve methoden, zoals ‘design thinking’ en ‘transition theory management’. Suit-case wil graag haar aanpak geschikt maken voor hiërarchisch gestructureerde organisaties zoals Defensie, zodat de techniek beschikbaar komt voor dergelijke bedrijven( zoals Shell, NS, enzovoorts). Ook deze bedrijven hebben te maken met de maatschappelijke uitdagingen en ‘wicked problems’ en hebben gezien de klimaat-doelstellingen versnelling in hun transitie-proces en daarmee vraagoplossendvermogen nodig. Co-Design van de HU heeft veel ervaring met DT binnen de zorg. Samen gaan we DT beter beschikbaar maken voor grote bedrijven met een hiërarchische structuur zodat ook zij complexe vraagstukken innovatief kunnen oppakken. Door minimaal drie LNI-vraagstukken te doorlopen wordt de ontwikkelde aanpak getest en leert LNI de methoden in de praktijk toe te passen. Het resultaat is een nieuwe, methodologisch onderbouwde vraagarticulatie-aanpak voor complexe vraagstukken voor hiërarchisch georganiseerde organisaties zoals LNI en drie goede vraagarticulaties met aanpak.
This project addresses the fundamental societal problem that encryption as a technique is available since decades, but has never been widely adopted, mostly because it is too difficult or cumbersome to use for the public at large. PGP illustrates this point well: it is difficult to set-up and use, mainly because of challenges in cryptographic key management. At the same time, the need for encryption has only been growing over the years, and has become an urgent problem with stringent requirements – for instance for electronic communication between doctors and patients – in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and with systematic mass surveillance activities of internationally operating intelligence agencies. The interdisciplinary project "Encryption for all" addresses this fundamental problem via a combination of cryptographic design and user experience design. On the cryptographic side it develops identity-based and attribute-based encryption on top of the attribute-based infrastructure provided by the existing IRMA-identity platform. Identity-based encryption (IBE) is a scientifically well-established technique, which addresses the key management problem in an elegant manner, but IBE has found limited application so far. In this project it will be developed to a practically usable level, exploiting the existing IRMA platform for identification and retrieval of private keys. Attribute-based encryption (ABE) has not reached the same level of maturity yet as IBE, and will be a topic of further research in this project, since it opens up attractive new applications: like a teacher encrypting for her students only, or a company encrypting for all employees with a certain role in the company. On the user experience design side, efforts will be focused on making these encryption techniques really usable (i.e., easy to use, effective, efficient, error resistant) for everyone (e.g., also for people with disabilities or limited digital skills). To do so, an iterative, human-centred and inclusive design approach will be adopted. On a fundamental level, scientific questions will be addressed, such as how to promote the use of security and privacy-enhancing technologies through design, and whether and how usability and accessibility affect the acceptance and use of encryption tools. Here, theories of nudging and boosting and the unified theory of technology acceptance and use (known as UTAUT) will serve as a theoretical basis. On a more applied level, standards like ISO 9241-11 on usability and ISO 9241-220 on the human-centred design process will serve as a guideline. Amongst others, interface designs will be developed and focus groups, participatory design sessions, expert reviews and usability evaluations with potential users of various ages and backgrounds will be conducted, in a user experience and observation laboratory available at HAN University of Applied Sciences. In addition to meeting usability goals, ensuring that the developed encryption techniques also meet national and international accessibility standards will be a particular point of focus. With respect to usability and accessibility, the project will build on the (limited) usability design experiences with the mobile IRMA application.