Air transportation has grown in an unexpected way during last decades and is expected to increase even more in the next years. Traffic growth tendencies forecast an expansion in the demand and greater aviation connectivity, but also higher workload to the different airspace users, especially for airport and services. Therefore, it is essential to employ strategies designed to use efficiently valuable corporate resource. Airport authorities around the world are investing in large capital projects, including new or improved runways, terminal expansions, and entirely new airports. However, this effort is sometimes limited due to their geographic location. In this work, two main objectives are pursued: first, to highlight the importance of the industry by exposing the current situation and future trends all over the world focusing in the Mexican industry; and second, to introduce a simulation model which can be used as a decision making tool for the upcoming demand. The analysis of the scenarios illustrates how to develop strategies to cope with the different airspace user's needs.
The Interoceanic corridor of Mexico stands as a pivotal infrastructure project poised to significantly enhance Mexico's national and regional economy. Anticipated to start the operations in 2025 under the auspice of the national government, this corridor represents a strategic counterpart to the Panama Canal, which faces capacity constraints due to climate change and environmental impacts. Positioned as a promising alternative for transporting goods from Asia to North America, this corridor will offer a new transport route, yet its real operational capacity and spatial impacts remains uncertain. In this paper, the authors undertake a preliminary, informed analysis leveraging publicly available data and other specific information about infrastructure capacities and economic environment to forecast the potential throughput of this corridor upon full operationalization and in the future. Applying simulation techniques, the authors simulate the future operations of the corridor according to different scenarios to offer insights into its potential capacity and impacts. Furthermore, the paper delves into the opportunities and challenges that are inherent in this project and gives a comprehensive analysis of its potential impact and implications.
This paper presents the design of the offshore energy simulation CEL as a flow network, and its integration in the MSP Challenge 2050 simulation game platform. This platform is designed to aid learning about the key characteristics and complexity of marine or maritime spatial planning (MSP). The addition of CEL to this platform greatly AIDS MSP authorities in learning about and planning for offshore energy production, a highly topical and big development in human activities at sea. Rather than a standard flow network, CEL incorporates three additions to accommodate for the specificities of energy grids: an additional node for each team's expected energy, a split of each node representing an object into input and output parts to include the node's capacity, and bidirectional edges for all cables to enable more complex energy grid designs. Implemented with Dinic's algorithm it takes less than 30ms for the simulation to run for the average amount of grids included in an MSP Challenge 2050 game session. In this manner CEL enables MSP authorities and their energy stakeholders to use MSP Challenge 2050 for designing and testing more comprehensive offshore energy grids.