The effective operation of distributed energy sources relies significantly on the communication systems employed in microgrids. This article explores the fundamental communication requirements, structures, and protocols necessary to establish a secure connection in microgrids. This article examines the present difficulties facing, and progress in, smart microgrid communication technologies, including wired and wireless networks. Furthermore, it evaluates the incorporation of diverse security methods. This article showcases a case study that illustrates the implementation of a distributed cyber-security communication system in a microgrid setting. The study concludes by emphasizing the ongoing research endeavors and suggesting potential future research paths in the field of microgrid communications.
About this publication: What is the correlation among the creative industries, creative industry policies, new media paradigms and capitalism as colonial relations of dominance? What is the role of these industries in the prioritization of the interests of capital at the expense of those of society and how can these paradigms be criticized in the context of the actual, neoliberal, flexible regime of reproduction of capital? To what measure is this regime ‘flexible’ and to what measure it is just an extension of rigid, feudal and racial logics that underline (post)modern representational discourses? To what measure do the concepts of creativity, transparency, openness and flexibility conceal the hegemonic nature of modern hierarchies of exploitation?This publication brings together six essays that offer a critique of the relationship between the creative industries and capital. It treats ‘the networked world’ — its democracies, cognitivities, its attention and its paradigmatic cultural discourses — as one of the domains wherein and by which capitalism and its colonial relations of dominance are being reproduced, reorganized, perpetuated and ‘modernized’.The Gray Zones of Creativity and Capital (eds. Gordana Nikolić and Šefik Tatlić) consists of works from a diverse range of authors from around the globe: Jonathan Beller, Josephine Berry Slater, Marc James Léger, Ana Vilenica, Sandi Abram & Irmgard Emmelheinz. The book first appeared in Serbian in 2015.
A growing part of contemporary arts practices in the Netherlands has reoriented itself from studio and institutional art towards self-organization in self-run initiatives. In this type of contemporary art, self-organization is not only a way of gaining economic independence. Just as importantly, it is a form of expression where the organizational structure becomes the art project: self-organization-as-contemporary-art. Often using informal and underground settings, these initiatives reach audiences who have little or no access to the established system of cultural institutions. Aiming to bring art closer to everyday life, they often are no longer easily recognizable as art projects at all. Instead of individual studio practice with the artist as the central figure, these projects and initiatives are based on participation and non-hierarchical collaboration and rarely produce art objects for the traditional gallery art market. Examples include restaurants run as art projects, experimental schools, radio stations run as art performances, and do-it-yourself publishers. Rotterdam is an ideal case study for this development, since the city has played a role in self-organized artists’ initiatives and activist practices like no other city in the Netherlands. The trend towards self-employed work and flexibilization in the creative sector after 2008 accelerated this development. Self-organization-as-contemporary-art has developed throughout the years into an active, extensive and complex network of more than 80 self-organized initiatives; a fabric of autonomously operating initiatives that covers the entire city which we have mapped in previous research. This leads to the questions: How can the creative industries and cultural institutions adapt to these new forms of artistic practice which are no longer based on (a) individual work and (b) classical artists’ portfolios? How can art school curricula be adapted so that they educate innovative network artists who actively contribute to the fabric of self-organization-as-contemporary-art?